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Updated: August 22, 2024

In one year you'd just about get well enough acquainted with our trade of course, I'm only talking, y'understand to cop it out for some other house what would pay you a couple of hundred more. No, Louis, I think it ought to be for five years." "Of course, if you think I'm the kind what takes a job to cop out the firm's trade, Abe," Louis commenced, "why "

If Max Linkheimer don't trust nobody, Mawruss, and he lets this young feller work in his store, Mawruss, then the feller must be O. K. Ain't it?" Morris rose wearily to his feet. "All right, Abe," he said. "If Linkheimer is so anxious to get rid of this feller, let him give us a recommendation in writing, y'understand, and I am satisfied we should give this here young Schenkmann a trial.

"If you was going to be charitable, Abe," he said, "why don't you be a sport? We could easy stand a couple hundred dollars." "That's all right, Mawruss," Abe declared. "Business is business and charity is charity, y'understand; but even in charity, Mawruss, it don't do no harm to keep the expenses down."

"I'm surprised to hear you you should talk that way, Mawruss. Supposing it is necessary we should tell such a feller he is coming down late oder he is doing something which he shouldn't do, y'understand, then the very first thing you know he sticks into us a knife und fertig.

Morris gazed at his partner with raised eyebrows and then he too slapped his thigh. "Alex Kronberg!" he exclaimed. "That's the feller," Abe said. "There's a man, Max, which he is honest like the day and smart as a cutting machine. I know him since he was a baby, y'understand, and he's worked his way up till now he's got a fine business in Bridgetown.

"Yes, Abe," he said, "you are in luck. You got a partner, y'understand, which he is a decent respectable feller. I bet yer Mawruss would no more dream of overdrawing you, than he would fly in the air." "Wait till they gets to be popular, Sol," Abe replied.

The captain smote a thigh. "Coal!" he cried. "Anthracite coal. The coal he't up and generated gas, of course no fire, y'understand, just gas gas blew up the deck no way of stopping combustion. Naturally they had to cut for it. Smell the gas, can't you? No wonder she's hissing no wonder she rolled cargo goes off in gas and what's to weigh her down?

"Just a loan for a few days, y'understand," he said as the waiter brought in a loaded tray, "or a year what's the difference ain't it? Now, let's get busy." Together they polished off the entire trayful of food, and when Abe leaned back the waiter presented a check for ten dollars and eighty cents. "Cheap at the price," Abe remarked as he added a generous tip to the amount of the bill.

Seeley rocked violently as she recounted to her new seamstress her trials with Dulcie. "She's a caution. In a way I do owe her a livin'. She's my husband's niece I know, that is by his first wife y'understand. She wasn't even exactly his niece.

Well, anyway, that little stooped back was one of the reasons why I was so anxious to make it up to her. Y'understand?" "Yes Loo." "But you saw that mink coat? Well, my little mother, three years before she died, was wearing one like that in sable. Real Russian. Set me back eighteen thousand, wholesale, and she never knew different than that it cost eighteen hundred.

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