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His Arverne Sacques is all right, Barney, but the rest is nix. He's a one garment man. Tell Miss Aaronstamm to bring in her book. I want to send them Boston Store people a letter." A moment later Miss Aaronstamm entered, and sat down at a sample table. "Write to the Boston Store," Leon Sammet said. "'Horowitz & Finkelbein, Proprietors, Gents' got that?

"Am I the first here?" he asked Barney Sammet, the junior partner of Sammet Brothers, who had been detailed by his elder brother to receive the arriving guests, with strict injunction to keep an eye on the cigars. Barney nodded gloomily. "And ain't Mrs. Gladstein I mean Sonia come yet?" Jacob inquired.

As for his mother, Mrs. Leah Sammet, she entered upon the preparations for the reception with an ardour that could not have been exceeded had Mrs. Gladstein been her own daughter. Thus, when Sunday afternoon arrived, Mrs. Sammet's house on One Hundred and Eighteenth Street presented an appearance of unusual festivity.

Now, M. Garfunkel had been a particularly strong customer of Sammet Brothers, and since Abe assumed that M. Garfunkel had dropped Sammet Brothers in favor of Potash & Perlmutter his manner toward Leon was bland and apologetic. "Well, Leon," he said, "how's business?" Leon's face wrinkled into a smile.

It was all that remained of Morris Perlmutter's gift and Uncle Mosha carefully knocked the ash off before he put it in his mouth. "Why don't you answer me?" Aaron asked. "I got to think, ain't I?" Uncle Mosha mumbled as he paused to light up. He puffed away in silence until they had nearly reached the entrance to Sammet Brothers' place of business. "Schon gut, Aaron," Uncle Mosha said at length.

"To-morrow morning at nine o'clock, Abe," he said, "I would be down in your store to look over your line." "Steward," Leon Sammet cried, "never mind that steak. I would take the bloater anyhow." Abe and Moe breakfasted lightly on egg and toast, and returned to their stateroom as they passed the Battery.

Aaron nodded gloomily as they entered the elevator, and when it stopped at Sammet Brothers' floor he strode out So rapidly that Uncle Mosha, who had never before visited Sammet Brothers', hardly noticed his nephew's exit. Before he could follow Aaron the elevator attendant slammed the door, and it was not reopened until Uncle Mosha had expressed his agitation in a burst of spirited profanity.

In fact, he got a fine order from me, Abe, for a concern which I never done business with before. People by the name Sammet Brothers. What's the matter, Abe? Are you sick?" Abe gurgled once or twice and clutched at his collar. "Did you got the samples here what he shows you?" he managed to gasp. "Why, Abe, what's troubling you?" Kuhner said.

Leon Sammet will go crazy if he hears that we sell them people." "That's all right, Abe," said Morris. "We ain't doing business to spite our competitors; we're doing it to please our customers so that they'll buy goods from us and maybe they'll go crazy, too, when they see her face, Abe." "Max Fried says she is a good-looker.

It cannot be said that Moe discouraged them to any marked degree, for while he occasionally hinted to Abe that the New York cloak and suit trade was an open market, and garment buyers had a large field from which to choose, he also told Leon that he saw no reason why he should not continue to buy goods from Sammet Brothers, provided the prices were right.