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"You're right, Mawruss," he said at length; "I'll go and see Henry D. Feldman the first thing to-morrow morning." The next morning Leon Sammet sat at his roll-top desk in his private office, while Barney went over the morning mail. "Hallo," Barney cried, "here's a check from Horowitz & Finkelbein for the full amount of their bill, Leon.

"I only seen her a couple times; and anyhow, Mawruss, I don't take it so particular to look at women like Leon Sammet does, Mawruss. That feller's a regular Don Quicks-toe, Mawruss. He is all the time running around with women." "A feller must got to entertain buyers once in a while, Abe," Morris said.

Kleebaum is supposed to be in New York trying to make some arrangements with his creditors. Later in the day a petition in bankruptcy was filed against him by Kugler, Jacobi and Henck representing the following New York creditors: Klinger & Klein, $2500; Sammet Brothers, $1800; Lapidus & Elenbogen, $750. Morris handed the paper back to his partner.

"A sick man like you shouldn't be attending to business at all." "Never mind me," Abe cried. "What about them samples, Kuhner?" "He left some samples with me, and I was to ship 'em to Sammet Brothers." "Did you ship 'em yet?" Abe exclaimed. "Why, what's the matter, Abe?" Kuhner commenced soothingly. "The matter is," Abe shouted, "them samples is my samples, and there's some monkey business here."

Having found them, he was soon plunged in a maze of figures representing the profit in going short of seven hundred shares on a one-point margin, assuming that the market dropped eight points in ten days. "Hallo, Aaron," Leon Sammet cried when he caught sight of the younger Kronberg. Aaron nodded, with half-closed eyes. "Sit down, Aaron," Leon continued; "you look worried."

"Well, then, here's a feller answers by the name Mozart Rabiner," Morris continued. "Did y'ever hear of him, Abe?" "If you mean Moe Rabiner, Mawruss," Abe replied. "I never knew his name was Mozart before, Mawruss, but there was a feller by the name Moe Rabiner what used to work for Sammet Brothers, Mawruss, and that feller could make the pianner fairly talk, Mawruss.

"Well, there's nothing the matter with Aaron's cousin, Alex Kronberg, anyhow," Morris observed. "That feller does a fine business in Bridgetown, and Sammet Brothers could no more take his trade away from us than they could fly." "That ain't our fault, Mawruss," Abe rejoined.

"Buyers is all right, Mawruss," Abe declared, "but I guess I been in this here business long enough that I could tell a buyer from a model." "That's all right, Abe," Morris said. "Leon Sammet may run around the streets with women, Abe, but that ain't saying he is got intentions to marry Mrs. Gladstein.

The last time I was by Bridgetown she is wearing one of our Style 4022 which Sammet ganvered from us and calls the Lily Langtry costume, Mawruss, in a navy shade, understand me; and I don't know nothing about this here Lily Langtry, Mawruss, but I could tell you right now, Mawruss, she ain't got nothing on Mrs. Gladstein when it comes to looks."

I bet yer Louis' got throat trouble, talking into a customer them garments what Leon Sammet makes up, and Louis' pretty well liked in the trade, too, Mawruss." "Well, why don't you see him, Abe?" "I'll tell you the truth, Mawruss," Abe replied. "I did see him. I offered him all what Sammet Brothers gives him, and I told him we make a better line for the price, but it ain't no use.