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Updated: August 1, 2024

Friend. Traitor! thou know'st me, and my bus'ness. Look on this Face, if thou dar'st look on him Whom thou hast doubly wrong'd and draw thy Sword. Bel. Thou should'st be Friendlove, Brother to Celinda. Friend. And Lover of Diana too Oh, quickly draw, Or I shall leave thee, like a Coward, dead. Bel.

No, since my Passion thou'st defeated thus, And robb'd me of my long-wish'd Happiness, I'll make thee know what a wrong'd Maid can do, Divided 'twixt her Love and Injuries too. Bel. I dare thy worst; Shou'd Hell assist thy Aims, thou cou'dst not find, New Plagues, unless thou shou'dst continue kind, Hard Fate, Diana, when thy Love must be The greatest Curse that can arrive to me.

How the race of wrong'd Alpine and murder'd Glencoe Shall shout for revenge when they pour on the foe! Ye sons of brown Dermid, who slew the wild boar, Resume the pure faith of the great Callum-More! Mac-Neil of the islands, and Moy of the Lake, For honour, for freedom, for vengeance awake!

How the race of wrong'd Alpine and murder'd Glencoe Shall shout for revenge when they pour on the foe! Ye sons of brown Dermid, who slew the wild boar, Resume the pure faith of the great Callum-More! Mac-Neil of the islands, and Moy of the Lake, For honour, for freedom, for vengeance awake!

Sir, I say, I am doubly wrong'd; first by this false Knight, who has belong'd to me this three Years, which gives me a right to him, as good as if I were married to him; who has now unlawfully left my Bed, for that of this Gilflurt, who, on the other side, takes away my Knight, and consequently eats the Bread out of my Mouth. Bel. What means all this? Speak some of ye that know. Flaunt. Oh Lord!

My Lord, I hope, 'tis not his natural Temper; For e'er we parted, from a brutal Rudeness, He grew to all the Softness Grief could dictate. He talkt of breach of Vows, of Death, and Ruin, And dying at the Feet of a wrong'd Maid; I know not what he meant. Lord. Ay, there's his Grief; there is some jilting Hussy has drawn him in; but I'll revenge my self on both. A Letter for your Lordship.

That when once a vile name was wrongfully or injudiciously given, 'twas not like the case of a man's character, which, when wrong'd, might hereafter be cleared; and, possibly, some time or other, if not in the man's life, at least after his death, be, somehow or other, set to rights with the world: But the injury of this, he would say, could never be undone; nay, he doubted even whether an act of parliament could reach it: He knew as well as you, that the legislature assumed a power over surnames; but for very strong reasons, which he could give, it had never yet adventured, he would say, to go a step farther.

Tell him from me you come, the wrong'd Diana; Tell him you have an Interest in my Heart, Equal to that which I have made in yours. Friend. I'll do't; I will not ask your Reason, but obey. Swear e'er I go, that when I have perform'd it, You'll render me Possession of your Heart. Dia. By all the Vows that Heaven ties Hearts together with, I'll be entirely yours. Friend.

And therefore for one to hold the name of liberal among men, it were needfull not to omit any sumptuous quality, insomuch that a Prince alwayes so dispos'd, shall waste all his revenues, and at the end shall be forc'd, if he will still maintaine that reputation of liberality, heavily to burthen his subjects, and become a great exactour; and put in practise all those things that can be done to get mony: Which begins to make him hatefull to his subjects, and fall into every ones contempt, growing necessitous: so that having with this liberality wrong'd many, and imparted of his bounty but to a few; he feels every first mischance, and runs a hazard of every first danger: Which he knowing, and desiring to withdraw himself from, incurs presently the disgrace of being termed miserable.

A. My daily cross I mean to bear, until the work is done. Q. Well, is it now your full intent all damage to restore? A. If any man I've wrong'd a cent, I'll freely give him four. Q. And what is now the greatest foe with which you mean to war? A. The cursed flesh 'tis that, you know, all faithful souls abhor. Q. Have you none of its sly deceit now lurking in your breast?

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