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Estabrook?" exclaimed the father, impatiently. "You ought to know my poor boy better than that!" "Boys are a worrisome set," returned the housekeeper, composedly. "Only last week I read in the Herald about two boys who ran away from good homes and went out to kill Indians." "Herbert was not that kind of a boy," said Grant. "He had no fondness for adventure."

Why, it was just like finding money; I've never had so much fun earning it since. I started once to figure out how many miles our band marched during the first Bryan campaign, but I gave it up. We never felt it at that time, but it made me so tired counting that I quit with a distinct footsore feeling. The most worrisome task about a Homeburg band was keeping it alive.

Of co'se sech conduct ez that is worrisome, but I don't see no, to say, bad principle in it. Sonny ain't got a bad habit on earth, not a-one. They'll ever' one o' the teachers tell you that. He ain't never been knowed to lie, an' ez for improper language, why he wouldn't know how to select it. An' ez to tattlin' at home about what goes on in school, why, he never has did it.

What he was thinking she had no idea of, but for herself it was a recurrence and an emphasis of the fact that she seemed growing farther away from this young man she had to marry. The weeks since his arrival had been the most worrisome she could remember. "I am going," she replied, slowly. "No!" he replied, violently. "I won't have you running off down there to to gossip with that Andrews woman."

She did not wish to burden Martha with her vexations. Martha had troubles of her own. Moreover, those that were most worrisome to Claire, Martha, in the very nature of things, would not understand. Claire's first few weeks at the Shermans' had been uneventful enough.

In September the White Linen Nurse wanted very much to go home to Nova Scotia to her sister's wedding but the Senior Surgeon was trying a very complicated and worrisome new brace on the Little Girl's leg and it didn't seem quite kind to go. In October she planned her trip all over again. She was going to take the Little Crippled Girl with her this time.

This was aided by Brussels' lukewarm welcome, discriminatory and protectionist practices, and bureaucratic indecisiveness. These worrisome tendencies are balanced by the inertia of the process. Politicians of all colors are committed to the European project. Carping aside, the countries of central Europe stand to reap significant economic benefits from their EU membership.

He thought it might just happen that some high-toned lady, with a grand name, would come rowing across from Doveness, on the south shore of the lake. Because of the little girl he felt almost sure this would come to pass. The child slept the whole time; so for all of her he could have stood there and waited as long as he liked. But the worrisome person was Katrina!

I directed it London, England. It runs as follers: "Dear and revered Queen and Widder: "I tried my best to git to see you whilst in London, but Josiah's clothes wuzn't fit; he had frayed 'em out on a tower, and his shirts wuz yeller as saffern, half washed by underlins. I wouldn't demean him in your sight by bringin' him with me and he wuz worrisome and I couldn't leave him.

She told them not to mention coming around in the court, and not to say they had had to wait. It was strange. But many things are strange when one is ten. One learns to put many strange things aside. There were more worrisome things nearer. The screw was loose which secured the iron foot of Emmy Lou's desk to the floor. Now the front of one desk formed the seat to the next.