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"Maybe you're telling the truth, at that," she announced suddenly, eyes coldly unprepossessed. "You sound fishy as all-hell, and God knows you're the sickest-looking cop I ever laid eyes on; but there are less unlikely things than that a second-story man should try this route for his getaway.... Well!" she demanded urgently "what're you standing there for, like a stone man?"

"What's eatin' you? What'd you skip out from our house for? What'd you mean " He was broken in upon by Maria's voice as she came in at the head of a bevy of other girls: "Si Klegg, ain't you ever comin' out? What's akeepin' you? We're tired waitin' for you, and w're comin' right in. What're you doin' to them ragamuffins that you've bin gatherin' up? Tryin' to patch 'em up into decent-lookin' men?

They had fallen for it. Now they were separated. Mason remained on the opposite side of the room. Tom took a deep breath, crossed his fingers, and put the next step of his plan into action. He reached out and pulled the master acceleration switch all the way back. The Polaris jumped ahead as if shot out of a cannon. "Hey," growled Mason, "what're you doing?"

If they'll keep us we can look about an' make inquiries." "But we must get to the Island." "The Island? Oh, yes, I dessay we'll get there sometime or another. What're you doin'?" she asked, for he had leapt out of bed and run to the window. "Looking for it." But the Island was not visible.

She left too suddenly after the Hammon suicide, and she's been under cover now for eight months. I never got it quite right. What're you holding out?" Jim sparred adroitly, but without effect. "Oh! You've got an ace buried somewhere," Melcher said. "You're a shifty guy. Of course this is a friendly game we're playing, but, just the same, I never bettered a poker hand by leaving the room.

So they learned that the sloop had been known as the Cicade, which Jack knew to mean a locust and that her home port was in the Bahamas, hot-bed of the smuggler league, Bimini, in fact, being its chief port of departure. "What're we goin' to do with this chap?" Perk was asking. "We don't want him to give us the slip, since he's the on'y prisoner we got, do we, partner?"

So to sort of balance things up I divided equally all I got from the tug people. What're you looking so unhappy about?" "I wish you hadn't told me," she said miserably. "I don't see why you did." "Because I don't want you making me into a saint. I'm like the rest you see about in pants, cheating and lying, with or without pretending to themselves that they're honest. Don't trust anybody, my dear.

He hesitated, then decided to ask; Hovan had said there was no prying involved. "What about the young you shared? They gave you status too," Hovan had mentioned them even before his rank "okay. But what're they like? How " Hovan cut the man off with a gesture, noted the expression of distaste at his extended claws, and carefully didn't smile. "The younglings you should for yourself see.

Kate's intimation that she should spend a few days in town, and might be called East was somewhat disjointed, but at the moment, enough. Bradley, however, after unloading the trunk and while Belle stood wondering, reappeared at the door with two rifles. "Lord A'mighty, man!" cried Belle, already stirred, "what're you doing with them rifles?"

You damned sons of hell, what're you about! I'll rip out your bowels " Susan fled across the deck and darted up the stairs to the saloon. The steamer was all white without except the black metal work. Within that is, in the long saloon out of which the cabins opened to right and left and in which the meals were served at extension tables there was the palatial splendor of white and gilt.