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Updated: August 16, 2024

A shudder passed through Peter, and he sat on the floor and cried. His sobs woke Wendy, and she sat up in bed. She was not alarmed to see a stranger crying on the nursery floor; she was only pleasantly interested. 'Boy, she said courteously, 'why are you crying? Peter could be exceedingly polite also, having learned the grand manner at fairy ceremonies, and he rose and bowed to her beautifully.

No one can get into the house without knocking." "I think he comes in by the window," she said. "My love, it is three floors up." "Were not the leaves at the foot of the window, mother?" It was quite true; the leaves had been found very near the window. Mrs. Darling did not know what to think, for it all seemed so natural to Wendy that you could not dismiss it by saying she had been dreaming.

"Curly is taking both butter and honey." "Nibs is speaking with his mouth full." "I complain of the twins." "I complain of Curly." "I complain of Nibs." "Oh dear, oh dear," cried Wendy, "I'm sure I sometimes think that spinsters are to be envied." She told them to clear away, and sat down to her work-basket, a heavy load of stockings and every knee with a hole in it as usual.

Sometimes he came home with his head bandaged, and then Wendy cooed over him and bathed it in lukewarm water, while he told a dazzling tale. But she was never quite sure, you know. There were, however, many adventures which she knew to be true because she was in them herself, and there were still more that were at least partly true, for the other boys were in them and said they were wholly true.

"I nipped a bit out of that eagle's mouth pretty neatly, Wendy." "After the twentieth try," Wendy reminded him. "And even though we became good a picking up food, see how we bump against clouds and things if he is not near to give us a hand." Indeed they were constantly bumping.

"Helped to blow up their tyres, which we thought was really saintly, when we weren't asked to go with them," said the still injured Wendy. "Well, it's a pretty go they're all off! Bunty's just had a telegram from Toddlekins. She's coming back this afternoon, and wants the trap to meet the four-thirty train." "She should! She's in a precious hurry to leave her beloved London. Whence this thusness?"

First signing them to hide, Peter cut Wendy's bonds, and then nothing could have been easier than for them all to fly off together; but one thing barred the way, an oath, "Hook or me this time." So when he had freed Wendy, he whispered for her to conceal herself with the others, and himself took her place by the mast, her cloak around him so that he should pass for her.

"There are always a lot of young ones," explained Wendy, who was now quite an authority, "because you see when a new baby laughs for the first time a new fairy is born, and as there are always new babies there are always new fairies.

She had to admit that she was too tired. He moaned. 'What is it? she asked, anxious about him at once. 'I can't help you, Wendy. Hook wounded me. I can neither fly nor swim. 'Do you mean we shall both be drowned? 'Look how the water is rising. They put their hands over their eyes to shut out the sight. They thought they would soon be no more.

He did not quite mean to let go, but he did it, and immediately he was borne across the room. "I flewed!" he screamed while still in mid-air. John let go and met Wendy near the bathroom. "Oh, lovely!" "Oh, ripping!" "Look at me!" "Look at me!" "Look at me!"

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