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Updated: August 25, 2024

Asham'd he wou'd have turn'd away; But when he saw, by my dejected Eyes, I knew him, He sigh'd, and blusht, and heard me tell my Business: Then beg'd I wou'd be secret; for he vow'd his whole Repose and Life depended on my silence. Nor had I told it now, But that your Ladyship may find some speedy means to draw him from this desperate Condition. L. Ful. Heavens, is't possible? Bred.

I bow'd very low, and as I left the room I vow'd I never wou'd, and that my proud heart should never be humbled by the outside of a fine woman. About an hour after, I whipp'd into my chaise for London, and have never seen her since." There was in the place a gay fellow half fuddled, who offered to jump in, and swore, though he liked not the liquor, he would have the toast.

I soon went back, I shoved on shore, and Polly I did meet, For she was watching on the shore, her sweetheart for to greet; She threw her arms around me then, and much to my surprise, She vow'd she was so happy that she pump'd with both her eyes. So she did pump, As I did jump To kiss her lovingly; But, I say again, That as for men, Crying is all my eye.

However, the Marriage of his only Son, to a Daughter of the King of Jerebi, his Relation, the Magnificence and Diversions at the Celebration of the Ceremony, and the Congratulations from all Parts, at last gave a chearful Turn to his Disposition; and he wisely began to think, that the Honours he conferr'd on the Sister of his dear Mistress, besides sixteen thousand Tomans which he gave to her Husband; together with a tender Remembrance, which he vow'd always to retain for her Ashes, was amply fulfilling all that the most tender Passion could require.

So having said she departed, and left him to sit as aforetime, Bitterness swelling his breast at the thought of the slender Brisëis Forcefully torn from his side. Meanwhile ever-prudent Odysseus Safe into Chrysa had come with the hecatomb vow'd to Apollo.

And hotly have pursu'd it: Swore, wept, vow'd, wrote, upbraided, prayed and railed; then treated lavishly, and presented high till, between you and I, Harry, I have presented the best part of Eight hundred a year into her Husband's hands, in Mortgage. Bel. This is the Course you'd have me steer, I thank you. Gay. No, no, Pox on't, all Women are not Jilts.

Lady Sybil again gave him the key-note from the violin; and, without further accompaniment, he thus addressed his forsaken sweetheart: "You say at your feet that I wept in despair, And vow'd that no angel was ever so fair? How could you believe all the nonsense I spoke? What know we of angels? I meant it in joke, I meant it in joke; What know we of angels? I meant it in joke."

I had not taken my seat, before I saw she did not care a sous whether I had any wit or no; I was let in, to be convinced she had. I call heaven to witness I never once opened the door of my lips. Madame de V- vow'd to every creature she met "She had never had a more improving conversation with a man in her life." There are three epochas in the empire of a French woman.

When my soul fainted, on the Lord I thought, And to thee, to thy temple then was brought My prayer. They their own mercies do despise, Who have regard to lying vanities. But with the voice of my thanksgiving, I Will offer sacrifice to thee on high, And pay my vows which I have vow'd, each one, For why? Salvation's of the Lord alone.

But I, by Heaven, will never be that Victim: But where my Soul is vow'd, 'tis fix'd for ever. Bred. Are you resolv'd, are you confirm'd in this? Bless me, and make me happier than a Monarch. Bea. Hold, hold, dear Ned that's my part, I take it. Bred. Your Pardon, Sir, I had forgot my self. But time is short what's to be done in this? Bea. Done!

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