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However, the Marriage of his only Son, to a Daughter of the King of Jerebi, his Relation, the Magnificence and Diversions at the Celebration of the Ceremony, and the Congratulations from all Parts, at last gave a chearful Turn to his Disposition; and he wisely began to think, that the Honours he conferr'd on the Sister of his dear Mistress, besides sixteen thousand Tomans which he gave to her Husband; together with a tender Remembrance, which he vow'd always to retain for her Ashes, was amply fulfilling all that the most tender Passion could require.

After having driven from the Throne of Jerebi, a Family which had been an Enemy to his, placing one of his Grandsons on it, he died covered with Glory, and left the Crown to his great Grandson Zeokinizul, who is the particular Hero of this History.

This Princess who was a Neitilene by Birth, was related to the King of Jerebi. Secret History relates that, prompted by her Ambition, she entered into a private Treaty with her Relation, her Husband's most inveterate Enemy, and contrived his Murder, which was unfortunately executed, to the great Loss and Grief of all true Kofirans.

Another Side of this Country has inaccessible Mountains, as a Fence against the King of Jerebi, and the Kam of Vosaïe. The River Nhir is its Barrier against the formidable Power of the Emperor of the Maregins. And, lastly, many Cities of almost impregnable Strength, seem to defy the Attacks of the Junes Provinces, and the Bapasis.

The Destruction of the Empire of the Kofirans, seems morally impossible in its present confirm'd State. It has hitherto withstood several violent Shocks from the Kings of Jerebi and Alniob, and the Emperor of the Maregins, who were all its professed Enemies. It is to this illustrious Monarch, that the Kingdom of the Kofirans owes its unparalleled Riches and Grandeur.