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He placed the settle across the hearth, and in this way cut off the firelight that might have betrayed those in the room to eyes peeping through the holes. By-and-by the shrill vixenish cries rose louder, he caught the sound of voices in altercation, and of hoarse orders: and slowly and reluctantly the babel seemed to pass away.

I therefore raised the wooden latch, and in a modest tone made my request for a bed. A vixenish landlady from the midst of a group of screaming children cried to me, “You can’t have a bed, you can have straw.” That would do quite as well, I said.

The warrior even went to Momaya's husband, who, in turn, having little authority over the vixenish lady of his choice, went to Mbonga, the chief. The latter summoned Momaya, threatening her with the direst punishment should she venture forth upon so unholy an excursion. The old chief's interest in the matter was due solely to that age-old alliance which exists between church and state.

The tones of her voice and the expression of her face were so exactly like those of a scolding, vixenish woman that she caused many a hearty laugh by her tirades. Thomas Erastus, however, seldom utters a sound, and at the rare intervals when he condescends to purr, he can only be heard by holding one's ear close to his great, soft sides. But he has the most remarkable ways.

Farnham, sharply; "I declare, sir, the boy torments my life out with his taste for running after low people." "They are not low people." Fred broke off abruptly, for his father entered very quietly, and with a look so at variance with his usual cold reserve, that even his vixenish and very silly wife observed it. "What is the matter? you have been walking home in the heat!" she exclaimed. "Mr.

There was a note of uncertainty in her voice, and Peg's blue eyes gleamed with a vixenish light as she settled herself comfortably beside Forrester. They were rather silent on the way home, but beneath her gaudy veil Peg's quick brain was hard at work. She knew that Faith was faintly resentful, if not actively jealous, and a sense of triumph warmed her heart.

She has such big feet!" Amy put out her toe and studied it with vixenish satisfaction. "Aunt Jessica," she observed at length, looking round at her aunt. "You have to work too hard. And I have always been such a care to you. Wouldn't you like to get rid of me?" Mrs. Falconer leaned quickly, imploringly, toward her. "Is that a threat, Amy?"

"That was your game, you renegade!" "Do you think so?" "I know so!" Nick hoped she did. "And all I regret is," added the vixenish Spaniard, "that the bullet of my watchman did not end your villainous life." "We can end it now, señora, if you say the word," put in Matthew Stall, with grim readiness.

"But how could the lady have felt sure you were not seeking her for the sake of her estates?" asked Yolanda. "She could not know," answered Max. "But I sought her for her own sake and for no other reason." "What manner of person was she?" asked Yolanda. "Was she dark or light, short or tall, plain of feature or beautiful, amiable of temper or vixenish? Was she like any one you have ever seen?"

It spoke well of him that he seemed to be careful not to hurt Bo. He never bit or scratched, though he sometimes gave her sounding slaps with his paws. Whereupon, Bo would clench her gauntleted fists and sail into him in earnest. One afternoon before the early supper they always had, Dale and Helen were watching Bo teasing the bear. She was in her most vixenish mood, full of life and fight.