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"Well," I said, "I always seem to be the one that gets something something that's bad and horrible." "I think that Mlle. Virtud is sick," continued Paula. "You're always thinking of that woman. I tell you, it doesn't make any difference to me what happens to her," I said impatiently. "Oh, Lisita, aren't you ashamed to say such a thing?" "No," I said, "How do you expect me to like her?

I cried, "I've got it now! You want Mademoiselle Virtud to occupy the house across the road. Oh, that'll be just wonderful!" Teresa tried to put on her most severe air, but failed completely. "Well, supposing that's not so!" she said, as with a grin she pushed me out of the door. Mademoiselle Virtud came over that very afternoon. I hadn't been mistaken.

Now, listen instead of keeping the bad children after school, she sends us all home with twenty to fifty lines to copy, while she goes calmly back to her house. The other teachers keep the bad ones there for ten minutes or so, and that's all there is to it, which is a whole lot more agreeable." "Mlle. Virtud is absolutely right, for she makes the punishment fit the crime."

With a grin my father turned to his son, "That's where you're only in the background for once." It was decided, in accord with Mlle. Virtud, to have classes twice a week.

What would I do without my little Gabriel?" she said, as she playfully pulled the little boy's hair. "And I," said Gabriel, "What would I do without you? In fact, what would everybody do around this whole court without you? Wasn't it you who " "There, that will do," said Mlle. Virtud. "You mustn't tell all the family secrets. We are here in this world to help others; are we not, Lisita?"

O si no, esta otra: que la mujer no está por naturaleza llamada a luchar con el hombre en la vida pública; que el hombre por razón de esa lucha dejará de considerarla como un ser digno de adoración, un sagrado ídolo ante cuyos pies se arrodilla, sino que verá en ella a una rival a quien hay que combatir y anular para la propia conservación, y con ello la mujer no sólo arrastraría la nítida sampaguita de su virtud en el lodo de la vida política, sino perdería, además, la estimación, el respeto y las consideraciones, de los cuales se ve rodeada en la actualidad.

How beautiful she is," I murmured to myself. "How I do love her! Mlle. Virtud would never be so gentle with her little brothers, if she ever had any." Then suddenly I stopped, for it seemed to me that I heard Paula saying to me sadly, "Are you not ashamed of yourself, Lisita?" And I looked up to see Paula exchanging a few words with a poorly-dressed child just before she joined me.

Y no vemos en todo ello ninguna asechanza o peligro para su virtud, sabiendo que esas mujeres que van a esos puntos y se exhiben de esa manera son madres, esposas, o hijas que tienen deberes que atender en sus casas.

The lovely red curtains were a present from Mlle. Virtud. Rosa and Louis had given the two long benches on each side of the table. My father had given the school-books, and I had bought pencils and copy-books from my monthly allowance. It was all very simple and severe, but to Paula's eyes these gifts brought together in the little whitewashed room seemed to her quite wonderful.

And Paula told her a bit about the small happenings in the class. "And so Mademoiselle Virginia has taken the class. I am sure you must love her very much." "Not as much as we do you, dear teacher," said Paula. "Oh, Paula, you just say that to make me feel good; do you not?" and poor Mlle. Virtud looked from one to the other of us a bit sadly I thought.