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Je ne vous parle pas du vide affreux de ma vie et de mon ame. Je sais que Dieu me donnera la force de le supporter en travaillant encore pour ceux qui m'ont quittee. Et le jour du revoir viendra.

A worthy scion of the old stock of Waverley-Honour spes altera, as Maro hath it and you have the look of the old line, Captain Waverley; not so portly yet as my old friend Sir Everard mais cela viendra avec le tems, as my Dutch acquaintance, Baron Kikkitbroeck, said of the sagesse of Madame son epouse. And so ye have mounted the cockade?

When they see my ragged uniform, they will say, 'There is one of the braves who upheld the honor of France upon the burning sands of Egypt, and they will not fail to drop a few sous into the old soldier's hat. Come, Victor, we must march. We have been too long a burden on our poor neighbor. Courage, mon enfant, le bon temps viendra." And so the boy and his father set forth upon their wanderings.

His room looked more gloomy than ever when he got back to it, but it did not matter now, because he was not going to remain there. He only stopped for a minute to sweep back into the bureau all those loose papers of Martin Joliffe's that were lying in a tumble on the open desk-flap. He smiled grimly as he put them back and locked them in. Le jour viendra qui tout paiera.

I received this morning, by a mysterious messenger, a curious document; it looks like a series of carriage-wheels, but it is a cipher from Prince Metternich, who is in Bordeaux, and is dated the 1st of May. It took me a long time to puzzle it out: "Vous conseille de partir; pire viendra. Pauline a Vienne; moi triste et tourmente." Very good advice, but rather difficult to follow now.

Take these verses, written at twenty-one, to his younger sister: "Treize ans! et sur ton front aucun baiser de mere Ne viendra, pauvre enfant, invoquer le bonheur; Treize ans! et dans ce jour mil regard de ton pere Ne fera d'allegresse epanouir ton coeur.

"Ah, true," returned the young man, taking his seat at the rude naked table which bore their meal. "I had quite forgotten my appetite-mais ca viendra en mangent, n'est-ce pas?" and he looked at the young girl. "Plait-il, monsieur?" "Tais toi ma fille ce n'est pas a toi qu'on parle," gruffly remarked her father.

Waverley! A worthy scion of the old stock of Waverley-Honour SPES ALTERA, as Maro hath it and you have the look of the old line, Captain Waverley, not so portly yet as my old friend Sir Everard MAIS CELA VIENDRA AVEC LE TEMPS, as my Dutch acquaintance, Baron Kikkitbroeck, said of the SAGESSE of MADAME SON EPOUSE. And so ye have mounted the cockade?

The boy, himself, was much distressed at not seeing or hearing from his father; but he kept struggling on, saying to himself, "Courage, Victor le bon temps viendra the good time will come." On the death of Marmont, he entered the army as a sub-lieutenant, and fought his way up to a captaincy under the eye of the emperor.

Gould va venir passer huit jours ici; je trouve amiable de sa part de bien vouloir venir s'etablir a Kew pour etre pres de moi; mon oncle viendra peut-etre aussi. "Je vais me plaindre un peu, tout doucement, de la petite cherie de Pre-Charmoy; elle n'ecrit pas assez souvent a son mari qui recoit toujours ses lettres avec tant de plaisir.