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Updated: August 9, 2024

"Business appears to be picking up," murmured the proprietor of the game. Phillips' neighbor continued to hold the boy's hand in a vicelike grip. Now he leaned forward, saying: "Look here! Are you going to cover our coin or am I going to smoke you up?" "The groans of the gambler is sweet music in their ears!"

Dysart, face convulsed with fury, seized his arm in a vicelike grip: "Will you keep your cursed mouth shut!" he breathed. "My father is in the next room. Do you want to kill him?" At the same moment there came a stir from the room beyond, the tap-tap of a cane and shuffling steps across the polished parquet.

For days, for weeks, that awful maniac will preserve obstinate, unbroken silence; but as the eye never closes, so the hands never rest, they open and grasp, as if at some palpable object on which they close, vicelike, as a bird's talons on its prey; sometimes they wander over that brow, where the furrows seem torn as the thunder scars, as if to wipe from it a stain, or charm from it a pang; sometimes they gather up the hem of that sordid robe, and seem, for hours together, striving to rub from it a soil.

"Who gave you permission to desert your post, when your absence might bring ruin upon us? What brought you here?" "That is my business," said Raoul with cool impertinence. Louis seized the young man's wrists, and almost crushed them in his vicelike grasp. "Explain this strange conduct of yours," he said, in a tone of suppressed rage. "What do you mean by it?"

Tape measurements will be taken next your skin. You will be laced with cruel force into vicelike corsets of soft dove coutille with whalebone busk to the diamondtrimmed pelvis, the absolute outside edge, while your figure, plumper than when at large, will be restrained in nettight frocks, pretty two ounce petticoats and fringes and things stamped, of course, with my houseflag, creations of lovely lingerie for Alice and nice scent for Alice.

Angrily darting at him and catching his left shoulder in a vicelike grip, Karospina growled: "You fool, how dare you mock something you know nothing of?" He shook his guest roughly. "Uncle, uncle, be patient! Tell Mr. Shannon, and he, too, will become a believer. I believe in you. I believe in him, Mr. Shannon. Don't sneer! Tell him, uncle."

At times, too, her senses seemed clouded, and she talked incoherently; sometimes she begged for relief, shamelessly craved it; sometimes she used all her force, and, almost beside herself, defied him, threatened him, turned on him infuriated; but his strength held her locked in a vicelike embrace, and, toward morning, she suddenly relaxed crumpled up like a white flower in his arms.

"I want your hand, Jim," I answered. "Tell me what is wrong? What is all this about?" At last he looked into my eyes. I could see a hundred conflicting emotions working in his expressive face. "You would be friends after what I have done?" he asked. "I want your hand, Jim," I said again. In a moment, both his were clasped over mine, in his vicelike grip. "George, George!" he cried.

I have you in my power my fullest power with nothing to restrain my passion or my power, and " She struggled desperately to release herself from his grasp, but he renewed it with all his sinewy strength, enforcing, with a vicelike gripe, the consciousness, in her mind, of the futility of all her physical efforts. "Do you not hear!" he said. "Do you comprehend me." "Do your worst!" she cried.

Arms like steel bands smothered his limbs; his pistol hand was snatched back irresistibly, yet, he noticed even then, with no violence, and the weapon was taken from his powerless fingers. A piece of coarse cloth was flung over his head; vicelike hands gripped his ankles; he was borne with no apparent effort from the spot.

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