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New Year's Day, among the English, is associated with the giving and receiving of dinners, and with nothing more. New Year's Day, among the foreigners, is the grand opportunity of the year for the giving and receiving of presents. It is occasionally possible to acclimatise a foreign custom. In this instance Vendale felt no hesitation about making the attempt.

"I came this morning not only to hear the news, but to offer myself as messenger, negotiator what you will. Would you believe it? I have letters which oblige me to go to Switzerland immediately. Messages, documents, anything I could have taken them all to Defresnier and Rolland for you." "You are the very man I wanted," returned Vendale.

His first glance round the room showed him that Marguerite was absent. "What!" he exclaimed, "my niece is away? My niece is not here to entertain you in my absence? This is unpardonable. I shall bring her back instantly." Vendale stopped him. "I beg you will not disturb Miss Obenreizer," he said. "You have returned, I see, without your friend?"

I shall be glad to have this matter off my mind, if you please." "We are lawyer and client again," rejoined Bintrey, who, for the nonce, had become almost sympathetic. "If this day week here, at the same hour will suit Mr. Vendale and yourself, I will enter in my Diary that I attend you accordingly." The appointment was made, and in due sequence, kept.

Vendale, which had been kept secret from her; and because she rightly believed you to be capable of serving your interests, or of satisfying your enmity, at the price of a crime. As for the Cellarman, he was one, among the other people in Mr. The Cellarman alone had something to tell her.

Vendale wondered whether the good Dor had, on this occasion, varied her domestic employment from cleaning Obenreizer's gloves to cooking Obenreizer's dinner. This at least was certain the dishes served were, one and all, as achievements in cookery, high above the reach of the rude elementary art of England. The dinner was unobtrusively perfect.

He did not know that the fairies were close to him always, shutting the sailors' eyes lest they should see him, and turning him aside from millraces, and sewer-mouths, and all foul and dangerous things. Poor little fellow, it was a dreary journey for him; and more than once he longed to be back in Vendale, playing with the trout in the bright summer sun. But it could not be.

He is merciless; he is revengeful; he is as secret as the grave. Don't go with him, George don't go with him!" "My own love," returned Vendale, "you are letting your fancy frighten you! Obenreizer and I were never better friends than we are at this moment." Before a word more could be said, the sudden movement of some ponderous body shook the floor of the next room.

"We are Master George," replied Joey Ladle, moving a step or two away, "and if you'll be advised by me, you'll let it alone." Taking up the rod just now laid across the two casks, and faintly moving the languid fungus with it, Vendale asked, "Ay, indeed? Why so?"

Marguerite's last words to him were, "Don't go!" It was about the middle of the month of February when Vendale and Obenreizer set forth on their expedition. The winter being a hard one, the time was bad for travellers. So bad was it that these two travellers, coming to Strasbourg, found its great inns almost empty.