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May n't he have his velocipede now?" "Capital, Tom; you 'll be an orator yet. Learn another piece like that, and I 'll come and hear you speak it. Are you ready for your velocipede, hey?" Polly was right; and Tom owned that "the governor" was kind, did like him and had n't entirely forgotten his promise.

It reached him and with a rumble they were on and over the bridge, and their pursuer had sprawled forward flat on his face. He was on his feet again like a wildcat, however, and crossing the bridge three ties at a time, leaped to the flat ground beside the track, and was again after the velocipede like a race-horse.

The oiler arose, and with one eye on the engine-room door they crept up under the edge of the car, and on toward the rear of the train. They reached the little track-car, and cautiously lifted it onto the rails. "Better push it a ways," the oiler advised in a low voice. "They might hear the rumble, with our weight on it." Gently they set the velocipede in motion.

When the time of my yearly departure for Paris came round, I recommended Gilbert to hire a tricycle, and try to get a change of exercise by alternately riding his horse and his velocipede, and he promised to do so. For some time I had been desirous to join Mary, on account of her confidences about the probability of her becoming engaged.

There were illuminations, fireworks, horse races and velocipede races, and as a further sign of triumph he commanded that the prisons should be opened and all the prisoners freed. "If the others are to be let out of prison, I will go also," said Pinocchio to the jailor. "No, not you," said the jailor, "because you do not belong to the fortunate class."

But it was only a momentary flash. He settled back into the easy-chair with invalid languor, and began to tell me good-naturedly about his old velocipede, describing its construction, and the feats he had been able to perform on it, clumsy though it was. He could keep up with a fast horse in riding into Boston, but at the cost of a good pair of shoes.

Bob McGraw was very limp and white as Harley P. and the Indian carried him in. The gambler undressed him while Sam Singer sprang aboard the velocipede and sped back toward town to meet the doctor. When the doctor arrived, he and Harley P. Hennage went into the bedroom, closing the door after them. Donna remained in the kitchen.

"Then if they give me a fireplace, you and I will be neighbors." They were standing in the door, just outside which, on the sidewalk, was a velocipede. This James Mandeville now mounted with gravity. He did not express a hope that she might come to live near him, but there was friendliness in the tone in which he said good-by as he rode away. "Good-by Infinitesimal James," replied the lady.

"Let me have him, Miss Donna," he ordered. "We'll put him on the velocipede and rush him up to the hotel. I'll " "No, Mr. Hennage. He belongs to me. Place him on the velocipede and help me take him home." "To the Hat Ranch?" "Yes, of course, I can care for him there, if he lives." "Why, Miss Donna " "Do it, please" she commanded. "I know best.

He saw plasterers, carpenters, and painters come and go as he rode back and forth on his velocipede at a rate of speed altogether out of proportion to the effort put forth by his plump legs, bare and brown above his socks. From beneath the brim of his old sailor hat he looked on with solemn intentness.