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"We'll have to tear things up ourselves," said the first man decisively. "Let us see what we can do in the engine-room here." The footsteps passed into the engine-house, and Alex at once crawled forth, to make his way back to the velocipede. As he emerged from beneath the car he paused to glance down at the prostrate oiler. Should he leave him lying there?

'Pears to be" the strong old voice faltered for an instant "'pears to be bust up some consid'able. I found him in the ro'd a piece back, with his velocipede tied up all over him. He ain't dead, nor he ain't asleep, but I can't git nothin' out of him, so I jest brung him along. I'll h'ist him out, if you say so." "Can you?" said Vesta. "I will help you. I am strong enough. Will your horses stand?"

He is always hungry. He is always poor, out of luck and friendless. The meanest creatures despise him, and even the fleas would desert him for a velocipede. He is so spiritless and cowardly that even while his exposed teeth are pretending a threat, the rest of his face is apologizing for it. And he is so homely! so scrawny, and ribby, and coarse-haired, and pitiful.

We could have visited that ancient and singular burg, 'Pilot-town, which stands on stilts in the water so they say; where nearly all communication is by skiff and canoe, even to the attending of weddings and funerals; and where the littlest boys and girls are as handy with the oar as unamphibious children are with the velocipede.

Colonel Witham, grasping one of the handle-bars, eyed the velocipede almost longingly. "No," he said. "I'm too old and stout now. Guess my riding days are over. But I used to make it go once, I tell you." "Go ahead, get on. You can ride it," urged Tim Reardon. "It won't break." "Oh no, it will hold me, all right," said Colonel Witham. "We didn't have any busted tires in our day.

The colonel made a rush at him, but Tim was off down the road, leaping into the saddle of his mended wheel, followed by the others. "Don't you want us to raise the velocipede, so you can ride some more?" called young Joe Warren, as he mounted his own wheel. The colonel's only answer was a wrathful shake of his fist.

We could have visited that ancient and singular burg, 'Pilot-town, which stands on stilts in the water so they say; where nearly all communication is by skiff and canoe, even to the attending of weddings and funerals; and where the littlest boys and girls are as handy with the oar as unamphibious children are with the velocipede.

Milligan was a man full of life, and was continually "boiling over with fun." He was a regular velocipede, so to speak, and was here, there, and everywhere. He was exceedingly desirous of having an Indian fight on the trip, not that he was naturally a blood-thirsty man but just for variety he wanted a little "Indian pie."

"I'll have to wait until the moon comes up. But I never walk home when I'm kept late. The division superintendent lends me the track-walker's velocipede and I whiz home like the limited. There isn't any danger, and if there was I could outrun it. Do you wish to register before I go, Mr. Hennage? I suppose you'll want your old room?" The gambler nodded and Donna returned to the cashier's counter.

"But next time you must remember," cautioned his mother. "And remember another thing no more bicycle rides you stay on your velocipede." "Yes'm," said Freddie. "Come on, Flossie. Where's Snap?" When the little twins went to look for their big, shaggy pet, who could do so many circus tricks, they could not find him.