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There were but five men in the gig! After two hours' hard pulling, they arrived alongside the largest of the three vessels. She proved to be the Velocipede, an English vessel, trading to Sooloo for pearl oysters. The owner of the schooner soon came from the shore, having been sent off by the sultan of Sooloo to know the object of our visit.

There, under a syringa tree in the garden, stood the wheelbarrow. The girls rubbed their eyes, and wondered if they were walking in their sleep. "That thing trundled itself in here about half an hour ago," said Horace, gravely. "You may know I was surprised to look up, and see it coming without hands, just rolling along like a velocipede." Dotty eyed the runaway wheelbarrow stupidly.

I require a great deal of exercise, more than I can find time for; the more exercise I take the better I am." And yet when, shortly afterwards, a specialist had to be called in, he declared that his patient "was completely overworked mentally and physically," and he ordered him to give up the velocipede altogether, and to restrict his walks to short distances and a leisurely pace.

Eager to display her friend's accomplishments, Maud pulled out a fat little book, marked "Polly's Journal," and spread it in her lap. "Only the pictures; no harm in taking a look at 'em," said Tom. "Just one peep," answered Fanny; and the next minute both were laughing at a droll sketch of Tom in the gutter, with the big dog howling over him, and the velocipede running away.

Moreover, the roads in the avenues leading from Clematis to Passy were excellent for a velocipede, or he could reach her in a charming walk of less than an hour through the Bois de Boulogne and by rail three minutes only were required from the station of Boulogne to that of Passy.

The weary months of hard work are forgotten, and you are quite as apt to think of your first velocipede, or of the pie that is awaiting you in the boathouse, as of victory and defeat. And a yacht race, with a pair of rivals on your beam, is very much the same. As I sat with my feet dangling over the washboard, I reflected, once or twice, that we were engaged in a race.

A file of children in cocked hats made of newspapers came marching importantly up the sidewalk under the maple shade trees; and in advance, upon a velocipede, rode a tin-sworded personage, shrieking incessant commands but not concerning himself with whether or not any military obedience was thereby obtained.

He had been standing in the stirrups, leaning forward to look at her hands as they grasped the lever, and now he sat back in his saddle, much relieved. "No wedding ring in sight" he mused. "My lady of the velocipede, I'll marry you, or my name's not Bob McGraw." Just then Mr. Harley P. Hennage appeared in the doorway.

The array of gustatory swords, each in flannelet slip-cover. The wild man's cage, empty. The tiny velocipede of the Baron de Ross, upside down against rust. A hall of wonder here. A cave of distorted fancy. The Land of the Cow Jumped over the Moon and the Dish Ran away with the Spoon.

"If they succeed in burning it, they will hold back our supplies two or three weeks, and reach the pass ahead of us, dead certain," added Jack through his teeth. "We've got to stop them, boys!" "Isn't there a hand-car or a velocipede here, Wilse?" Alex inquired. "No. Not even a push-car. And it'd take one of us an hour and a half to reach the construction-train."