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First vun ding und den anoder ding. Und preddy soon you have nodings. "I tried to find my vife, but she vas hiding from me. Perhaps I vas hard headed in dem days. Ven you are young you are like dat. Now id is diff'rend. She iss dead und I am alive. Und if she had been my vife righd along she vould still be dead now. Alzo vat matter does it make? "Dat vas maybe tventy years ago or maybe more.

The turnkey takes a fixed look at him, and at last he says in a solemn manner, "Tventy," he says, "I'll trust you; you Won't get your old friend into trouble."

"Vat you tink?" cried Stankewitz. "I veigh tventy pounds more already tventy pounds! They vork you like hell in that army, but they treat you good. You don't never have such good grub before, not anyvere you vork." "You like it?" demanded Jimmy, in amazement. "Sure I like it, you bet your money! I learn lots of things vat I didn't know before.

Do you recollect how you tried to teach me to fence? I don't know how to this day, Lindau. How good you were, and how patient! Do you remember how we used to sit up in the little parlor back of your printing-office, and read Die Rauber and Die Theilung der Erde and Die Glocke? And Mrs. Lindau? Is she with " "Deadt deadt long ago. Right after I got home from the war tventy years ago.

I shall gife you, you'self, tventy per cent if you make the job." "Impossible, M. le Baron." "What, monsieur, you could have the heart to let my mistress go to prison?" said Europe, intervening. "But take my wages, my savings; take them, madame; I have forty thousand francs " "Ah, my good girl, I did not really know you!" cried Esther, clasping Europe in her arms.

At last he began to get so precious jolly, that he used to forget how the time vent, or care nothin' at all about it, and he went on gettin' later and later, till vun night his old friend wos just a-shuttin' the gate had turned the key in fact wen he come up. "Hold hard, Bill," he says. "Wot, ain't you come home yet, Tventy?" says the turnkey, "I thought you wos in, long ago."

Do you recollect how you tried to teach me to fence? I don't know how to this day, Lindau. How good you were, and how patient! Do you remember how we used to sit up in the little parlor back of your printing-office, and read Die Rauber and Die Theilung der Erde and Die Glocke? And Mrs. Lindau? Is she with " "Deadt deadt long ago. Right after I got home from the war tventy years ago.

And now about dot dressing-case. Don't you sell it. I find somebody pay more as I can give, and you pay me for my trouble. I lend you tventy yes, I lend tventy-five dollars on it. Vill dot be enough?" "That will be enough for a week, after I pay what I owe." "Vell, den, ven dot is gone ve tink out someting else, don't ve? I look it all over last night. It is all right no breaks anyvere.

"V'y, sir," said he, consulting a large-faced watch. "V'y, Mr. Beverley, it's eggs-actly tventy minutes arter the time for it!" "Yes," said Barnabas. "And you ain't shot, then?" "No, thank heaven." "Nor even vinged?" "Nor even winged, Mr. Shrig." "Fate," said Mr. Shrig, shaking a dejected head at him, "Fate is a werry wexed problem, sir!

Ven I buy, I buy, and it is mine to keep. Ven I sell, I sell, and dot's nobody's business." Pickert bit his lip. His bluff had failed. He must go about it in another way, if Rosenthal's customer, who owned the lace, was to regain possession before the New Year set in. "Well, then, sell it to me," he snarled. "No, I don't sell it to you. Not if you give me tventy times tventy tollars.