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"V'y then, sir, I think ve may wenture," said he, and rising, put on his hat, examined the priming of the brass-bound pistol, and taking the nobbly stick under his arm, blew out the candle and crossed to the door; yet, being there, paused. "Sir," said he, a note of anxiety in his voice, "you promise to do eggs-actly vot I say?" "I promise!" "Ven I say 'run' you'll run?" "Yes."

"V'y, sir," said he, consulting a large-faced watch. "V'y, Mr. Beverley, it's eggs-actly tventy minutes arter the time for it!" "Yes," said Barnabas. "And you ain't shot, then?" "No, thank heaven." "Nor even vinged?" "Nor even winged, Mr. Shrig." "Fate," said Mr. Shrig, shaking a dejected head at him, "Fate is a werry wexed problem, sir!

"Skinner, when a mate with an unlimited license ships before the mast, THERE'S A REASON!" "Drunkard!" Mr. Skinner suggested without an instant's hesitation. "Eggs-actly, Skinner. Good seaman, I daresay, but worthless and unreliable in an executive capacity, and I can't trust a ripping fine barkentine like the Retriever with that kind of man.

"We begin to feel's if we was gitt'n' a home f'r ourselves; but we've worked hard. I tell you we begin to feel it, Mr. Butler, and we're goin' t' begin to ease up purty soon. We've been kind o' plannin' a trip back t' her folks after the fall ploughin's done." "Eggs-actly!" said Butler, who was evidently thinking of something else.

"Vell, sir, naming no names, there's a party as I suspect from conclusions as I've drawed, a party as I'm a-going to try to ketch this here werry night, sir as I mean to ketch in flay-grant de-lick-too, vich is a law term meaning in the werry act, sir, if you'll help me?" "Of course I will," said Barnabas, a little eagerly, "but how?" "By doing eggs-actly as I tell you, sir. Is it a go?"