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'Why then, said the boy, 'you was to come to him at six o'clock to our 'ouse, 'cos he wants to see you Blue Boar, Leaden'all Markit. Shall I say you're comin'? 'You may wenture on that 'ere statement, Sir, replied Sam.

The faint sawing went on for some time, ceased, and was renewed, to finish as before with a curious rustling and a splash. "What can that be, Jem?" whispered Don. "Not going to wenture an observation again," replied Jem, sourly.

More brandy where's the bottle? `Here's a health to all good lasses; pledge it merrily, fill your glasses. Shuffle the cards well; now then, nothing wenture nothing win. Spades are trumps." "Oh, my boy, my boy," cried the agonised mother, "can nothing be done for you? Has a doctor been sent for?" she cried suddenly, turning to the old woman. "Doctor!" was the reply.

He woodn't not touch no sangwidges, and ony took one glass of wine, and told me to put by the bottel for his dinner, which I did in course; but somehows, when he arsked for it arterwards, the cork had got out, and the wine had got out, but I thinks I can wenture to say as that not one drop of it was wasted, and werry good it was too.

"Try some of this 'ere fowl, Mrs Brown, it's remarkably tender, it is; just suited to the tender lips of dear me, Mrs Brown, how improvin' the mountain hair is to your complexion, if I may wenture to speak of improvin' that w'ich is perfect already." "Get along, Hobbs!" said Mrs Brown, affecting to be displeased.

Shrig, "and now I think it's about time for us to wenture forth. But, sir," he added impressively, "if the conclusion as I've drawed is correct, theer's safe to be shooting if you're recognized, so keep in the shadder o' the wall, d' ye see. Now, are ye ready? keep behind me so. Here they come, I think."

"V'y then, sir, I think ve may wenture," said he, and rising, put on his hat, examined the priming of the brass-bound pistol, and taking the nobbly stick under his arm, blew out the candle and crossed to the door; yet, being there, paused. "Sir," said he, a note of anxiety in his voice, "you promise to do eggs-actly vot I say?" "I promise!" "Ven I say 'run' you'll run?" "Yes."

"And who arst you to interfere, mem, if I may wenture to make the inquiry?" said she, with that polite but spasmodic intonation that denotes the approaching row. "Keep yerself to yerself, if you please, mem.