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The first draught electrified him, his spirits rose and he swept his companions along with his enthusiasm. From surrounding tables people accosted him; men paused in passing to exchange a word about stocks, polo, scandal, Newport, tennis, Tuxedo; none were in the least stiff or formal, and all expressed in one way or another their admiration for Lorelei.

Consequently, Philip was not surprised when one day in the fall, he received a disconsolate note from Gloria who was spending a few weeks with her parents at their camp in the hills beyond Tuxedo, saying that her father had flatly refused to allow her to take a regular position with one of the New York settlements, which would require her living on the East Side instead of at home.

He had said that if he stayed away from the office for some time to come it would mean love in a cottage for them for the rest of their lives and not a summer cottage at Tuxedo at that.

"Not a blessed thing to burgle. Never has been for years." There was a silence. The girl spoke in a hushed voice. "I understand," said she, "that the people here hold the man who used to live in this house responsible for that." "Why, yes, I suppose he was. Brookville never would have been a Tuxedo under any circumstances, but I reckon it would have fared a little better if Mr.

"No, madam," said Keggs. "Mrs. Winfield has not yet returned." Keggs was an artist in tragic narration. He did not give away his climax; he led up to it by degrees as slow as his audience would permit. "Returned? I did not know she intended to go away. Her yacht party is next week, I understand." "Yes, madam." "Where has she gone?" "To Tuxedo, madam." "Tuxedo?" "Mrs.

The picture which had attracted my attention was of Miss Violet Winslow, an heiress to a moderate fortune, a debutante well known in New York and at Tuxedo that season. As Garrick looked over my shoulder his mere tone set me wondering. "She IS stunning," he agreed simply. "Half the younger set are crazy over her." The buzzer on his door recalled us to the case in hand.

"Yes, but I reckon they are not dressed up as we are," Tom had on his tuxedo and a white tie, and Dick was similarly attired. But over the dress suit each wore a linen coat, buttoned close up to the neck. The two youths kept on until, much to their surprise, they came out on a back road that was almost as good as the highway they had left.

Don't you understand? Warrington's out of it for the present. I saw to that. Now, the thing is to fix up something to call them off, altogether, something that we can use to hold them up." "Yes go on what?" "Why how about Violet Winslow?" My heart actually skipped beating for a second or two as I realised the boldness and desperation of the plan. "What do you mean a robbery up there in Tuxedo?"

He had purchased an old New York mansion, upon the decoration of which three million dollars had been spent; and when he came down to business from Tuxedo, his private train waited all day for him with steam up. Mrs. Vivie told an amusing tale of a woman who had announced her engagement to him, and borrowed large sums of money upon the strength of it, before his denial came out.