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Swiggs settles her head and shoulders into it, saying, "there!" "Glad 'um suit-fo'h true!" retorts the negress, her heavy lips and sullen face giving out the very incarnation of hatred. "Now don't make a noise when you go out." Rebecca in reply says she is "gwine down to da kitchen to see Isaac," and toddles out of the room, gently closing the door after her. Resignedly Mrs.

Two years' picking on a youngster didn't appeal to Carleton, no matter who the youngster was. Before he was half through he had the big conductor squirming. Hawkeye was looking for something else besides a galling and matter-of-fact impartiality that accepted himself and Toddles as being on exactly the same plane and level. "There's a case of eggs," said Carleton at the end.

They also serve for locomotion. On a firm surface, such as the wooden top of my table, the larva can move about quite well; it toddles along, dragging its belly, with its body straight from end to end. On fine, loose sand, change of position becomes difficult.

Here he kissed passionately the yellow head of Toddles as it lay on his shoulder. "Don't speak of it, Mr. Hand," said Will, wiping his bleeding face. "Any other fellow would have done the same if he'd had the chance. That cowardly brute! I wish I hadn't let him off so easy!" "I'll have him arrested to-morrow," burst out Mr. Hand, his voice quavering and shrill with anger.

Carleton stared; and Regan's hand, reaching into his back pocket for his chewing, stopped midway. Donkin was still smiling. "I'm going to make a railroad man out of Toddles," he said. Copyright, 1919, by George H. Doran Company. Reprinted by special permission of publisher and author. XI. Christmas Eve in a Lumber Camp By Ralph Connor

All the three children enjoyed this to a delightful extent, and the sympathetic Sloppy again laughed long and loud. When it was discreet to stop the play, Betty Higden said 'Go to your seats Toddles and Poddles, and they returned hand-in-hand across country, seeming to find the brooks rather swollen by late rains.

What small wage, sleep, meal, what endless scouring, scolding, tramping on messages fall to that poor Susan's lot; what indignation at the little kindly passing word with the grocer's young man, the pot-boy, the chubby butcher! Where such things will end, my dear Mrs. Toddles, I don't know. What wages they will want next, my dear Mrs. Doddles, &c.

"Paw away!" cried Prowler, grinning widely as he fixed his round yellow eyes on a small covered dish that Toddles had just set before him. Ann lifted the cover of the tea-pot to peep inside but as she sniffed the steam an expression of disgust wrinkled up her little nose. "Ugh!" she cried, "it's catnip tea." "Course it is," answered Prowler calmly.

That change was the change from his twenty-dollar bill. He had not needed to be told that the lead quarter had come from Toddles. The only question at all in doubt was whether or not Toddles had put the counterfeit coin over on him knowingly and with malice aforethought.

"A fellow," said Donkin, putting a little sting into his words, "never got anywhere by going around with a chip on his shoulder fighting everybody because they called him Toddles, and making a nuisance of himself with the Big Fellows until they got sick of the sight of him." It was a pretty stiff arraignment. Toddles choked over it, and the angry blood flushed to his cheeks.