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Ay did I, once and got knocked down as sharp as ninepins. Standing up! I'd love to see thee try it. Thou'd not be right end up long." Bertha had gone upstairs, or Avice perhaps would not have spoken so plainly, though the smith himself had long passed the stage of ignoring his wife's failings in the presence of her children. "But you are her husband, Uncle Dan."

Thou knows nobody cares to go nigh it, since " "Thou shot him." "Shut up! Thou'd better let that subject drop. I knew I were safe there. When it was dark and quiet, I came to thee. Now, if ta'll let me pass thee, I'll tak' Hull road." "Thou is sure nobody has seen thee?" "Ay, I'm sure o' that. Let be now. I hevn't any time to waste."

If I can get permission without the humbug of putting on a black veil and receiving a blessing from Pius, I shall; but I shrink from the formality of presentation. I know thou'd say "Be presented." "Our minister at that time had the reputation of being very careless of the needs and wishes of his countrymen, and I was not surprised to find a long delay.

'I ha' telled thee many a time that she and me is like brother and sister. She's no more thought on me nor I have for her. So be content wi't, for I'se not tell thee again. 'Don't be vexed, Philip; if thou knew what it was to be in love, thou'd be always fancying things, just as I am. 'I might be, said Philip; 'but I dunnut think I should be always talking about my fancies.

'Thou'd ha' been t' first t' pluck him down if he'd screeched out. 'An' a'll warrant if they come about wi' a paper asking for feyther's name to make up for what Hobbs has lost by t' fire, feyther 'll be for giving him summut, said Sylvia. 'Thou knows nought about it, said Daniel. 'Hold thy tongue next time till thou's axed to speak, my wench.

'Couldn't he ha' bitten his tongue out? asked Sylvia. 'It's fine talking o' sorrow when the thing is done! 'Well, anyhow he's sorry now; and he's not long for to live. And, Sylvie, he bid me ask thee, if, for the sake of all that is dear to thee both here, and i' th' world to come, thou'd go wi' me, and just say to him that thou forgives him his part that day.

"Haven't you and Margaret fallen out yet?" put in another. "Ye're carryin' on th' coortin' longer nor we looked for." "Ah, thou said thou'd content thysel' with bein' shouted, didn't thou? Thou allus said thou didn't mean it to coom to wedlock." Ted heaved a deep sigh, and looked solemnly from one to the other. "Theer's no knowin' i' this warld what folks cooms to," he replied seriously.

"Thou'st got to do it," Bill said doggedly, "and thou'd best be quick about it; it won't be many minutes afore they bring him in." When Bill spoke in that way his wife knew, as he said, that she'd got to do it, and without a word she rose and went out, while her husband stood staring into the fire, and still patting the bull-dog in his arms. A tear falling on his hand startled him.

But oi be sartin sure as he wouldn't let another be hoonged in his place. So ye see thou'd do more harm nor good." "Oi didn't think of that," Luke said, rubbing his chin. "That be so, surely. He'd be bound to coom back agin. Well, lad, oi will think it over agin avore moorning, and do thou do t' same. Thou know'st moi wishes now.

A kind old Quaker found and took me home; but though I was too weak to talk, I had my senses by that time, and knew what went on about me. Everything was in confusion, even in that well-ordered place; no surgeon could be got at first, and a flock of frightened women thee'd and thou'd one another over me, but hadn't wit enough to see that I was bleeding to death.