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Bess, lass, thou'd believe me, thou wouldst wouldstn't thou? turning to the poor dumb form with wild appeal. 'I am sure, said Margaret, 'I am sure you did not know: it was quite sudden. But now, you see, it would be different; you do know; you do see her lying there; you hear what she said with her last breath. You will not go? No answer. In fact, where was he to look for comfort?

She "thee'd and thou'd" me to my heart's content: and to summarize the conversation I held with her it was to the disuse of the old phraseology and the discarding of the peculiar dress that she attributed most of the falling off which she was much too shrewd a woman of the world to shut her eyes to.

But, as I was saying, she takes Mary in a coaxing sort of way, and 'Mary, says she, 'what should you think if I sent for you some day and made a lady of you? So I could not stand such talk as that to my girl, and I said, 'Thou'd best not put that nonsense i' the girl's head I can tell thee; I'd rather see her earning her bread by the sweat of brow, as the Bible tells her she should do, ay, though she never got butter to her bread, than be like a do-nothing lady, worrying shopmen all morning, and screeching at her pianny all afternoon, and going to bed without having done a good turn to any one of God's creatures but herself."

"Thou'd alway thought so," said the quiet voice. "But what if the Lord thinks otherway, Tom?" Tom came to a sudden stop. "Uncle Anthony! Eh, but you don't " and Tom's words went no further. "My lad, thou'rt but a babe in Christ. 'Tisn't so many months since thou first set foot in the narrow way.

She had dropped the more formal "you," with which at first she had addressed Miss Benson, and thou'd her quietly and habitually. All these particulars sank unconsciously into Ruth's mind; but they did not rise to the surface, and become perceptible, for a length of time. She was weary, and much depressed. Even the very kindness that ministered to her was overpowering.

He's alive, and he were here o' Tuesday no, Monday, was it? I cannot tell but he were here! 'A knowed as he weren't dead. Every one is a-speaking on it. But a didn't know as thee'd ha' seen him. A took comfort i' thinkin' as thou'd ha' been wi' thy mother a' t' time as he were i' t' place. 'Then he's gone? said Sylvia. 'Gone; ay, days past. As far as a know, he but stopped a' neet.

A kind old Quaker found and took me home; but though I was too weak to talk, I had my senses by that time, and knew what went on about me. Everything was in confusion, even in that well-ordered place: no surgeon could be got at first, and a flock of frightened women thee'd and thou'd one another over me, but hadn't wit enough to see that I was bleeding to death.

Besides, how can we explain sympathies? Why does a certain peculiarity, a certain imperfection, indifferent or hateful in one person, prove a fascination in another? That which we call the thunderbolt is true as regards all the passions. Before the month was over they "thou'd" and "thee'd" each other. Frequently they came to see each other at their respective offices.

"Happen I'll be goin' back home to-morn." "I wish thou'd coom an' live wi' us an' mind Jimmy, so as I can help father wi' t' loom," Annie continued. "Aye, an' thou can laik at cat's cradle wi' me," interposed the younger girl, Ruth. Jimmy, aged three, was silent, but he climbed into Mary's lap, and, with a grimy finger, made watercourses down her cheeks for the tears that still filled her eyes.

'No, Dannel, said his wife; 'thou'd best not. Thy leg has been paining thee this week past, and thou'rt not up to such a walk. I'll rouse Kester, and send him off, if thou think'st there's need on it. 'A'll noan ha' Kester roused. Who's to go afield betimes after t' sheep in t' morn, if he's ca'ed up to-neet? He'd miss t' lass, and find a public-house, a reckon, said Daniel, querulously.