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Her lips were contracted and drawn up, showing her small glittering teeth, which were scarcely apart as she breathed out 'Thou thinks so, does thou, that I've forgetten him? Thou'd better have a care o' thy tongue.

I'm fain for thee. It's no good fighting against a stone wall." "What dost thou mean, Chrissy?" "What mean I? Why, didn't thou give in? Lots o' folks is saying so. Set thy name, they say, to a paper that thou'd yield to the Pope, and be obedient in all things. I hope it were true." "True! that I yielded to the Pope, and promised to obey him!" cried Elizabeth in fiery indignation.

His aunt caught him a little aside while Sylvia was in the dairy, and her husband talking in the shippen with Kester. 'For good's sake, Philip, dunnot thee bring us talk about t' press-gang. It's a thing as has got hold on my measter, till thou'd think him possessed. He's speaking perpetual on it i' such a way, that thou'd think he were itching to kill 'em a' afore he tasted bread again.

Perhaps thou'lt not be so headstrong next time. I vow, she looks as sweet as if I'd given her a box of sugar plums! I'm feared thou'd have done with a bit more, but I'm proper tired. Now, speak the truth: who sent thee on this wild-goose chase?" "Mistress, I was trusted with a secret. Pray you, ask me not." "Secret me no secrets! I'll have it forth."

'Well, and here ye are at home again! and Philip has been, Sylvie, to give thee thy ciphering lesson; and he stayed awhile, thinking thou'd be coming back. 'I'm very sorry, said Sylvia, more out of deference to her mother's tone of annoyance, than because she herself cared either for her lesson or her cousin's disappointment. 'He'll come again to-morrow night, he says.

'Thou'd ha' been t' first t' pluck him down if he'd screeched out. 'An' a'll warrant if they come about wi' a paper asking for feyther's name to make up for what Hobbs has lost by t' fire, feyther 'll be for giving him summut, said Sylvia. 'Thou knows nought about it, said Daniel. 'Hold thy tongue next time till thou's axed to speak, my wench.

'Courting? said she, drawing up her head, and looking back at him with proud defiance. 'Ay, courtin'! what other mak' o' thing is't when thou's gazin' after yon meddlesome chap, as if thou'd send thy eyes after him, and he making marlocks back at thee? It's what we ca'ed courtin' i' my young days anyhow.

Never shall I forget the haughty insolence of this priest. Scarcely would he listen to my humble request; thou'd and interrupted me continually, to tell me, "Be brief, I have more pressing affairs than thine." In fine, I was turned away without obtaining the least aid; and here I was first taught jesuitical pride; God help the poor and honest man who shall need the assistance of Jesuits!

Her lips were contracted and drawn up, showing her small glittering teeth, which were scarcely apart as she breathed out 'Thou thinks so, does thou, that I've forgetten him? Thou'd better have a care o' thy tongue.

'Oh, Kester, I didn't think thou'd turn again' me, and me so friendless. It's as if I'd been doin' something wrong, and I have so striven to act as is best; there's mother as well as me to be thought on. 'Cannot yo' answer a question? said Kester, once more. 'Whatten's up that t' missus and yo'll not need bed and table, pots and pans?