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And to the music of their two voices Dickie edged along close to the grapes and melons, holding on to the shelf on which they lay so as not to attract attention by the tap-tapping of his crutch.

This one knew precisely what he was doing, knew that it was wrong, and had the lucidity of speech to explain in full detail. It was a good idea to keep him content. "If you'll stop that tap-tapping for tonight," promised Jake, "I'll get you a book tomorrow. Is it a deal?" "You will?" "I will if you'll follow it." "Sure thing."

The guineas, too, were about the scarcest, and it was with these only that my mother knew how to make her count. When we were about half-way through I suddenly put my hand upon her arm; for I had heard in the silent, frosty air, a sound that brought my heart into my mouth the tap-tapping of the blind man's stick upon the frozen road. It drew nearer and nearer, while we sat holding our breath.

And here he encountered more smoke, floating lazily upward in the warm sunshine beyond an outjut of rock. As he came around the corner he heard a light, metallic tap-tapping and a merry whistling that kept the beat. Then he saw the man, an upturned shoe between his knees, into the sole of which he was driving hob-spikes.

She gave Jean a blue bowl to pick strawberries in; and Derry dug asparagus the creamy shoots were tipped with pale purple and pink, deepening into green where they had stood too long in the sun. "Aren't there any flowers?" Jean was anxious. "Come and see." The old woman went ahead of them, her cane tap-tapping on the stone flags. She opened a gate which was flanked by brick walls.

It had a glass conservatory at the side, and a garden with a lawn and palm in the corner; and on rainy nights when the wind was high, and the house was shaking, I could hear the long palm-fingers tap-tapping on my window glass.

But now the woodpecker began a tap-tapping soft and insistent somewhere out of sight, a small noise yet disturbing, that followed them wheresoever they went. Thus they wandered, close entwined, but ever the wood grew darker until they came at last to a mighty tree whose sombre, far-flung branches shut out the kindly sun.

Under the blue-grey shadow of the Didcot Bowles bungalow, with beech trees and pussy willows fringing the banks of the river Sippe which runs, or ran before it was dammed, down past old Caesar Earwhacker's bicycle shed, three miles from the village of Sagrada, Conn., to the West and eight miles from Roosefelt under the hill to the North leaving the South free for a Black Rising and the East for the Civil War; there in the seventeenth cottage, with green shutters, below the bridge with the pine cones occasionally tap-tapping against the pantry window owing to a strange combination of circumstances Rupert Plinge's elder sister first saw the light of day.

Sometimes, if the miner was in a very lonely part, he would hear only a tap-tapping, no louder than that of a woodpecker, for the sound would come from a great distance off through the solid mountain rock.

Oswald was not one of those who uttered this useless wish. At last, just when despair was beginning to eat into the vital parts of even Oswald, there was a quick tap-tapping of horses' feet on the road, and a dogcart came in sight with a lady in it all alone. We hailed her like the desperate shipwrecked mariners in the long-boat hail the passing sail. She pulled up.