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One of her little feet went tap-tapping on the gravel, beating the measure of the waltz.

"You mustn't expect me to have Charlotte Olivier in my house," Aunt Bella said. "If anybody came to call it would be most unpleasant." "I wouldn't mind," Mamma said, tap-tapping, "if it was only Charlotte. But there's Lavvy and her Opinions." Aunt Bella said "Pfoo-oof!" and waved her hands as if she were clearing the air.

Gyp had felt thin fingers grip her elbow, her shoulder even her ankle. Someone had breathed in her ear. Jerry, too, had admitted that she had heard sounds of irregular breathing from a corner of the room near the secret door. And there had been a constant tap-tapping! And something had laughed a horrible, thin, ghost laugh, though Jerry said afterwards that it might have been the wind.

Little flashes sparkle near him, white puffs spread out round the flashes: and he goes, and our airmen go away after him; black puffs break out round our airmen. Up in the sky you hear a faint tap-tapping. They have got their machine guns working.

The tap-tapping grew sharp and nearer like the sound of a crutch on a wooden veranda, and the voice was Ellen's. "Oh, Peter, you are always a-reading and a-reading!" Peter rolled off the long settle where he had been stretched and put the book in his pocket apologetically. "I was just going to quit," he said; "did you want anything, Ellen?"

And then we were invaded by a troop of grosbeaks who gathered in the neighboring bushes, their queer, tiny voices, seeming quite out of place, coming out of such stocky, strong little bodies. In the meanwhile a woodpecker was tap-tapping on a dead juniper. It was all so very different from the cruel, ragged coast with its unceasing turmoil of hungry waves breaking upon the cliffs.

"Poor fellow!" said I, while the Tinker began his tap-tapping again. "Are you hungry?" he inquired suddenly, glancing up at me with his hammer poised. "Very hungry!" said I. Hereupon he set down his hammer, and, turning to a pack at his side, proceeded to extract therefrom a loaf of bread, a small tin of butter, and a piece of bacon, from which last he cut sundry slices with the jack-knife.

And now only mention how I may assist you in this unfortunate situation?" "By listening to me!" "Ears wide open, Perry." So I told him briefly of the storm, how, dazed and shaken after being thrown by Wildfire, I wandered into the wood and came upon the poor, distracted girl and brought her back with me to the "Soaring Lark." To all of which he listened, tap-tapping softly with his foot.

In a terror that was uncontrollable, Johnnie began to thrash about and scream. And as Barber half dropped, half flung him to the floor, old Grandpa roused, and came round in his chair, tap-tapping with the cane. "Captain!" he shrilled. "The right's falling back! They're giving us grape and canister! Oh, our boys! Our poor boys!"

Job takes a stroll down the quay past the sweet-standings, and cocks his eye over the edge, down upon the deck of the old Pride that was moored alongside and fitting out for a fresh cruise. And there, in the shade of the quay wall, sat old Captain Jacka with a hammer, tap-tapping at a square of tinplate. "Hullo!" Mr. Job hailed. "Where's the crew?"