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Updated: August 2, 2024

We have offered time and time again to build you a house fo’ buzzuds, they bein’ the only birds hyearabouts, but you ’low that you ain’t fav’ble to tamin’ ’em." "I wuz raised in Tennessee, an’ we-uns had a house for martins made out’n gourds, an’ it was pearty." The pride with which she repeated this particular claim to honor in an alien land never diminished with repetition.

"I vote for fightin', 'cause there'll be no peace in the country till the band is broken up." "Might it not be better to hold them prisoners here?" suggested Paul Bevan. "They can't escape, you tell me, except by this side, and there's nothin' so good for tamin' men as hunger." "Ah!" said Tom Brixton, "you speak the truth, Bevan; I have tried it."

"I'll tell you...." began the hunter. And the rancher threw up his hands in a mockery that was furious, yet with outward shrinking. "Just now, when Buster Jack fought with Collie, he meant bad by her!" "Aw, no!... He was jest rude tryin' to be masterful.... An' the lass's like a wild filly. She needs a tamin' down."

An' while I'm lyin' thar asleep, He tells me in a dream, `You proud man! You unbroke bucker! Maybe you kin kill a man, but I've got my own good way o' tamin' you and bringin' you home. Blood for blood I thought He meant, but I wakes up and Que gracia! thar you stands. And your face it says to me, `Come on, you wicked, red-handed man.

You can't go on forever huntin' bear an' tamin' cats," protested the old rancher. "Why not?" asked the hunter, thoughtfully. Auchincloss stood up and, shaking himself as if to ward off his testy temper, he put a hand on Dale's arm. "One reason is you're needed in Pine." "How? Who needs me?" "I do. I'm playin' out fast. An' Beasley's my enemy. The ranch an' all I got will go to Nell.

"Not far," replied the innkeeper, a shrewd intelligent Yankee, with a touch of the nasal tone for which the race is noted; "guess it's about three leagues off." "A wild gloomy sort o' place, no doubt?" asked Larry. "Rayther. It'll stand tamin' a bit.

Here he turned, and made a motion to one of his companions, who darted off to the boat, and soon returned, bringing a young otter in his arms. "I allers heerd," continued Lee, as his companion came up, "that you have a reg'lar hankerin' arter ketchin' and tamin' wild varmints. Now, we want you to take this as a present from us.

"`Of course I was, says he, tamin' down a little, `an' I'd bin one o' them yet if not food for worms by this time if it hadn't bin for a dook as took pity on me. "`What's a dook? says I. "`A dook? says he. `Why, he's a dook, you know; a sort o' markis somewheres between a lord an' a king.

"The risk?" "Not the risk. My oldest sister tried tamin' a tiger. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, a tiger won't tame worth a cent. But her pet was such a lamb most the while that she guessed she'd chance it. It didn't work. She's at home with mother now, three children, of course, and he's in hell, I s'pose. He was killed 'long-side o' me at Gettysburg. Ike was a good fellow when he was sober.

"It's a kind of talent a gift, you might say like breakin' horses or tamin' wild animals," he was wont to reply modestly when questioned by those who followed his example and failed lamentably. "You got to be kind and gentle with dudes, yet firm with them. Onct they git the upper hand of you they's no livin' with 'em." Five years had brought their changes to Teeters as well as to Prouty.

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