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I have not spoken of it to a soul, and it troubles me above all else: While Maria was getting my cardinal I heard voices on the other side of the dressing-room door. The supper-room is next, you know. I listened, and recognized the rector's deep tones: 'He has gone to the Coffee House, he was saying; Collinson declares that his Lordship is our man, if we can but contrive it.

The impression was so strong with him that when Jeff restored Bessie to her aunt for the dance that was to be for some one else, and came back to the supper-room, the painter tried to satisfy a certain uneasiness by making talk with him. But Jeff would not talk; he got away with a bottle of champagne, which he had captured, and a plate heaped with croquettes and pease, and galantine and salad.

When they returned to the supper-room, the Countess and Lady Blanche met Valancourt with sincere congratulations; and Blanche, indeed, was so much rejoiced to see Emily returned to happiness, as to forget, for a while, that Mons. St. Foix was not yet arrived at the chateau, though he had been expected for some hours; but her generous sympathy was, soon after, rewarded by his appearance.

"At the door of the supper-room, I suppose?" "Yes, he was looking at the salad when I came away." "That reminds me; why did you leave so early, Hugh?" "I believe, after all, I am a little tired; I strained my wrist slightly in the brook." "Let me get some arnica for you; do, Hugh." "Oh, no! the strain is very slight. It will be all over in a day or two." "Was there really any danger, Hugh?"

"Not for the children," he said. "Under such circumstances education must necessarily acquire a new charm." "Thank you," said Dolly. When supper was announced, Lady Augusta made another attack and was foiled again. She came to their corner, and, bending over Dolly, spoke to her in stage-whisper. "I will bring young Mr. Jessup to take you into the supper-room, Dorothea," she said.

There was now hardly one person in the supper-room of the hotel who did not instinctively understand the reason which made Michel Voss anxious that his niece should sit down, and that other reason which made her sternly refuse to comply with his request.

The lights of the ball-room, fortunately lowered, had hidden the pallor of Hermia's face but she realized, when they suddenly blazed, that Trevvy Morehouse was looking at her curiously, that her fingers were ice-cold and that, when she spoke a word or two in reply to his anxious query, her voice was strangely unfamiliar. As the applause ceased, there was a general movement toward the supper-room.

Upon me devolved the task of carrying the body from the supper-room to the garage a task which I performed shortly after the departure of Police-Constable Bolton. I packed the body, removed the telephone and also all traces of the bell-device. The same carter had instructions to call for the case in the morning, and the garage door was left open to enable him to collect it.

The supper-room is surrounded by three vast galleries, in which are placed musicians, whose various instruments fill the mind with the most pleasurable and the softest emotions.

All but Shorty obeyed with alacrity, and stacked their guns with the quickness of old and hungry vet erans. Shorty kept hold of his gun and started with the rest to the supper-room. "Here, Injianny," called out the Sergeant, "stack your gun here with the rest." "Don't want to ain't goin' to," answered Shorty. "What's the reason you ain't?" asked the Sergeant, catching hold of the gun.