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"That Ghoorka knife," he said, "is a great weapon;" and with that summing-up of the struggle in the gloom of the defile he lit his pipe, and sat down to gaze upon the valley, so peaceful in appearance, so charged with the everlasting tragedy of life. "If those people were whites, or Arabs, they would now be following up the enemy to crush him while he is disorganized.

And thus the deepest problems of philosophy bring us back to the old statement of the Law: Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. This is the summing-up of the natural law of the relation between us and the Divine Mind. It is thus no vain boast that Mental Science can enable us to make our lives what we will.

It necessitates a thorough comprehension of each work, a lucid insight into the tendencies of the age, the adoption of a system, and faith in fixed principles that is to say, a scheme of jurisprudence, a summing-up, and a verdict.

"They are all in, down and out," was Barrett's summing-up of the situation, after he had heard Benedict's story. And then: "It's up to you, Jimmy" looking away from me. "You owe those two old men and their scamp of a lawyer a pretty long score, and I guess you'll be wanting to pay it." "I do!" I gritted.

Discussions were desultory and without order or system; but in the summing-up and conclusions the President, who was a patient listener and learner, concentrated results, and often determined questions adverse to the Secretary of State, regarding him and his opinions, as he did those of his other advisers, for what they were worth and generally no more."

The letter continues with reflections on the nature of death, 'more to be rejoiced at than bewailed, the younger one dies, and an arraignment of Providence not without dignity, wrung from him as it were by this last culminating misfortune. It concludes with a summing-up of his life in protest against the blow which has fallen on his grey head. 1 Ad M. Caes., v. 19 2 iv. 11 3 De Nepote Amissa

You are the same my Genevra the same that I have dreamed of and suffered for all these months. Something tells me that you have descended to my plane. I will not kiss you, Genevra, until you have promised to become my wife." She had not taken her eyes from his white, intense face during this long summing-up. "Hollingsworth, I cannot, I will not blame you for thinking ill of me," she said.

I'm heartily glad I told him so before he went. He smoked on very vigorously for half an hour, the burden of his thoughts being perhaps revealed by the summing-up, as he said, 'And when you are "in for it," Master Cecil, and some precious scrape it will be, if I move hand or foot to pull you through it, call me a Major of Marines, that's all just call me a Major of Marines! The ineffable horror of such an imputation served as matter for reverie for hours.

Kent had stood something in awe, not especially of her personality, but of her tongue; and had been forced to acquiesce silently in Loring's summing-up of Elinor's mother as a woman who had taken culture and the humanizing amenities of the broader life much as the granite of her native hills takes polish reluctantly, and without prejudice to its inner granular structure.

"Wait," said Uncle Charley; "I believe the captains are usually allowed a sort of summing-up speech, are they not?" "They are in this case, anyway," said Patty. "Mr. Elliott will please go ahead with his summing-up."