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Updated: August 26, 2024

I've heard invisible feet tramping all about my chair in a vividly lighted room. I didn't believe him, of course. The fact is, we don't know our own capacity for being deceived. We are each a microcosm a summing-up of all our forebears, and in the obscure places of our brains are the cells of cavemen, nooks troubled by shadows and inhabited by strange noises.

His summing-up of the Constitution, which he wrote on the day after the adjournment in a hurried letter to Lafayette, is given briefly in these lines: It is the result of four months' deliberation. It is now a child of fortune, to be fostered by some and buffeted by others.

And the weary soldier himself is returning once more to Valenciennes, on his way from England to Paris. February 1720. Those sharply-arched brows, those restless eyes which seem larger than ever something that seizes on one, and is almost terrible, in his expression speak clearly, and irresistibly set one on the thought of a summing-up of his life.

If it had been made the day before, then the defence had proved that it could not have been Habron's. He called their attention to the facts that Habron bore a good character, that, when arrested on the night of the murder, he was in bed, and that no firearms had been traced to him. In spite, however, of the summing-up the jury convicted William Habron, but recommended him to mercy.

Vaughan reserved his decision, and asked for the Lord Chief Justice's summing-up in the Queen v. Bradlaugh and Besant. On February 19th he made an order for the destruction of the pamphlets, against which Mr. Bradlaugh appealed to the General Sessions on the following grounds: "1st. That the said book is not an obscene book within the meaning of the 20th and 21st Victoria, cap. 83. 2nd.

And thou, Silence, pardon the earth; the little madcap hardly knows what she is doing; on the day of the great summing-up before the Ideal, she will be labelled with a piteous idem in the column of the miniature evolutions of the Unique Evolution, in the column of negligible quantities.... To die! Evidently, one does without knowing it, as, every night, one enters upon sleep.

There is mention of them in the newspapers, of the town houses, the castles, moors, and salmon fishings they rent, of their yachts, their presentations actually at our own courts, of their presence at great balls, at Ascot and Goodwood, at the opera on gala nights. One staggers sometimes before the public summing-up of the amount of their fortunes.

"That's not a bad summing-up of it all," I said. "And the end.... How would you like that to come?" "How would I like that to come?" He repeated my question lightly yet meditatively too. Then he was silent for some thirty seconds before he snapped his fingers the action again before the words. "Like that!" I thought of the definition of inspiration "A calculation rapidly made."

And the weary soldier himself is returning once more to Valenciennes, on his way from England to Paris. February 1720. Those sharply-arched brows, those restless eyes which seem larger than ever something that seizes on one, and is almost terrible, in his expression speak clearly, and irresistibly set one on the thought of a summing-up of his life.

Charteris's brief summing-up was masterly, so incisive, so searching, so constantly punctuated with popular proverbs and familiar references to the domestic affairs of the litigants, that it drew applause from both sides. Then he pronounced judgment, and the winning side rent the air with their shouts, while the losing party threw dust on their heads and lamented that they had ever been born.

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