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"Never knew Mark Twain to bore me before," said Ross, over and over. He sat by the other window, hour after hour, a box of Pittsburg stogies of the length, strength, and odor of a Pittsburg graft scandal deposited on one side of him, and "Roughing It," "The Jumping Frog," and "Life on the Mississippi" on the other. For every chapter he lit a new stogy, puffing furiously.

Tutt a tall, benevolent figure carrying a torch in the shape of a huge, black, blazing stogy that beckoned him onward through the darkness; and behind him Tutt a little paunchy red devil with horns and a tail who tweaked him by the coat and twittered, "Don't throw away twenty-five thousand dollars! The best way is to leave matters as they are and let the law settle everything.

Tutt received five thousand dollars down, five more if Mock Hen was convicted, three more if he died before the conclusion of the trial, and twenty thousand if he was acquitted. Mr. Tutt, assuming an equal impassivity, pondered upon the matter for about an inch of stogy and then informed the committee that the terms were eminently satisfactory.

"Well," said Miss Wiggin, "there is such a thing as Horse's Neck Extension after all!" "Um you don't say?" he answered, struggling to make his stogy draw. "And it has an office with about a hundred other corporations of various kinds most of them with names that sound like the zoo Yellow Wildcat, Jumping Leapfrog, and that sort of thing.

"What securities are those?" asked her employer, hanging his tall hat on the antiquated mahogany coat tree in the corner opposite the screen that ambushed the washing apparatus. "I don't remember any securities," he remarked as he applied a match to the off end of a particularly green and vicious-looking stogy. "Why, of course you do, Mr. Tutt!" insisted Miss Wiggin.

He fumbled in his waistcoat, produced two withered stogies and cast his eye along the wall. "Would you mind if I sat down? And could I offer you a stogy?" "Sit down by all means," answered W.M.P. "No, thanks!" to the stogy. Mr. Tutt sat down, carefully placed his old chimney pot upside down on the window ledge, and stacked in it the bundle of papers he was carrying.

"And may I ask why you should come to me?" Mr. Tutt had demanded severely from behind the stogy, which even at that early date had been as much a part of his facial anatomy as his long ruminative nose. "Why the devil should you come to me? I am nobody, sir nobody! In this great city certainly there are thousands far more qualified than I to further your professional and financial advancement."

I go Oscar one better and declare that there is a distinct relationship between crime and progress!" "You don't say, now!" ejaculated Tutt. "How do you make that out?" Mr. Tutt readjusted his spectacles and slowly selected a stogy from the bundle in the dusty old cigar box. "Crime," he announced, "is the violation of the will of the majority as expressed in the statutes.

Tutt with entire good nature. "He's glad he did it and he's quite willing to be hanged!" "That's it in a nutshell!" replied Tutt. The senior partner of Tutt & Tutt ran his bony fingers through the lank gray locks over his left eye and tilted ceilingward the stogy between his thin lips.

Now, what's the use o' getting all snarled up over four days of stickin' in the house? That there's what I been revolvin' in my mind and this here's the decision I've come to." He plodded to the door and shouted to one of the ranch hands to saddle my horse. Ross lit a stogy and stood thoughtful in the middle of the room.