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As a result of these conditions, Rita and Williams walked up the river on the following afternoon Sunday. More by accident than design they halted at the step-off and rested upon the same rocky knoll where she and Dic were sitting when Doug Hill hailed them from the opposite bank of the river.

Billy knew that was impossible, but for obvious reasons did not explain the true situation. Other small matters served to neutralize the horror Rita might otherwise have felt. The affair at the step-off had been freely talked about by her friends in her presence, and the thought of it had soon become familiar to her; but the best cure was her meeting with Doug Hill a fortnight after the trial.

One of these pauses that brought the whole nine up into a knot was the little step-off where Tug and History had thought they were being shoved over the precipice of a Grand Cañon. At length Roden's Knoll was reached, but there the weary Lakerimmers were discouraged to find nothing but a smoldering fire and the signs of a hard straggle.

I'll have nothing of the sort going on, for a while at any rate; give him back the ring." Rita slipped the ring from her finger and placed it in Dic's hand. "Now tell me," Mrs. Bays demanded, "how this came about? How came Rita to faint?" Rita hung her head and began to weep convulsively. "Rita and I," answered Dic, "were walking home down the river path. We had been sitting near the step-off.

I didn't think I could go to see him get the diplomy, for with all his saving ways and working hard in the summer, it had been a pull to make buckle and tongue meet and there just wasn't nothing left for me to buy no stylish clothes to wear. I set here a-worrying over it, not that I minded, but it was hard on the boy to have to make his step-off in life and his mother not be there to see.

Guess he waited for you to get out of the way. I think he's so handsome. Met him one Sunday afternoon at the step-off. I went over to see Rita, and her mother said she had gone to take a walk with Mr. Williams in that direction after dinner. I knew they would be at the step-off; it's such a lonely place. He lives in Boston, and they say he's enormously rich."

"Don't know the day, b-but if you mean the d-day Doug and D-Dic had their fight, I-I was up on B-Blue about halfway b-between Dic Bright's house and T-Tom Bays', at the step-off." Question. "What, if anything, occurred at that time and place?" Answer. "A f-fight damned bad one." Question. "Who fought?" Answer. "D-Doug Hill and D-Dic Bright." Question. "Now, Mr.

But upon the heels of this slight hope came that incontestable fact, Williams. Dic could see her sitting with the stranger as she had sat with himself at the step-off. Williams had been coming for four months. She might be in his arms at that moment the hour was still early before the old familiar fireplace, while the family were in the kitchen.

Near the edge of the step-off platform on the fourth floor was an oaken panel, inscribed with silver lettering in relief. As they drew even with the plaque, they caught sight of someone behind them. They turned to see Manning, the pile of suitcases in front of him, reading aloud. " ... to the brave men who sacrificed their lives in the conquest of space, this Galaxy Hall is dedicated...."

She smiled through her tears and tossed a note to Dic, which he deciphered by the light of the moon. It was brief, "Please meet me to-morrow at the step-off three o'clock." The step-off was a deep hole in the river halfway between Bays's and Bright's. Dic and Billy walked up the river path a little time in silence. Billy was first to speak.