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Updated: August 2, 2024

"The mater's a stayer," quoth Jimmy, and forthwith took up the wondrous tale with his hero, who began to consult him seriously on the question of "points." "If you'd had to give a decision, Jimmy, which of us would have got it, Jenkins or I?" Jimmy looked very grave and earnest. "It's jolly difficult to tell a thing like that, isn't it?" he said, after a longish pause.

But if thou sufferest them so far, do thou at the least defend this place against them, and stay this shameful flight of my people. So will I build a temple for thee in this place, even a temple of Jupiter the Stayer, that may be a memorial to after generations of how thou didst this day save this city."

Likewise he shall have my cordial julep with a portion of this confection which we do call Theriaca Andromachi, which hath juice of poppy in it, and is a great stayer of anguish. This fellow is at his prayers to-day, but I warrant thee he shall be swearing with the best of them to-morrow." They jog along the bridle-path on their horses until they come to another lowly dwelling.

Cress was then twenty-five just my age and one of the rare type of men who actually hate and dread a fight, but where necessary, go into it with a jest and come out of it with a laugh, as jolly a camp-mate and as steady a stayer as I ever knew. Charlie Crawford, a half-breed Mexican, taken on for his fluency in Spanish, completed our outfit.

His rare excursions to the cities gave more pleasure to other men than to himself, however, in these later years, and he laughingly proclaimed himself to be growing rusty and behind the times to Dr. Ferris, who smiled indulgently, and did not take the trouble to contradict so untrue and preposterous an assertion. If one man had been a stayer at home; a vegetable nature, as Dr.

You may address the author of our world by as many different titles as you please; you may rightly call him Jupiter, Best and Greatest, and the Thunderer, or the Stayer, so called, not because, as the historians tell us, he stayed the flight of the Roman army in answer to the prayer of Romulus, but because all things continue in their stay through his goodness.

Men are like that, aren't they? Not men like you of course, but you're the big exception to almost every rule." Jake was frowning a little. "I guess I'm as human as the rest of 'em," he said. "But what makes you think Bunny isn't a stayer?" "He's so young," said Toby. "That all?" said Jake, beginning to smile. She looked at him rather wistfully. "Yes, but it counts, Jake.

It is, however, in the four-and-a-half miles' Liverpool Grand National Steeplechase, the greatest cross-country race in the world, the supreme test of the leaper, galloper, and stayer, that Irish-bred horses have made perhaps the most wonderful record.

Pennington Docstater, sucking the head of his cane. "How about his staying quality, Stalker?" "That's just where he is, Mr. Docstater; take him on the road, he's a stayer for all day. Goes like a bird. He'll take you along at the rate of nine miles in forty-five minutes as long as you want to sit there."

The Sabines gained the first advantage in the present struggle, and it seemed as though fortune was about to desert the Romans, when Romulus commended their cause to Jupiter in a prayer in which he vowed to erect an altar to him as Jupiter Stator that is, "Stayer," if he would stay the flight of the Romans.

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