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I don't think you've ever seen their mates." The stayer at home smiled as if he understood his friend's quiet bit of pleasantry, and reached for one of the treasures, but folded it in his hand without looking at it and seemed to be lost in meditation.

"Yes, he means well this time." Jake's arm impelled her up the shallow stairs. "Hope he'll keep it up, but it won't surprise me any if he doesn't. He's never been a stayer, and he's not the sort to begin now." "You really don't understand him," Maud said. "Maybe not," Jake's tone was faintly grim. It indicated that he had no intention of arguing the matter further.

More than this, as a writer in The Sportsman pointed out: "The Tetrarch himself is by Roi Herode, a fine stayer, and his maternal grand-dam was by Hagioscope, who rarely failed to transmit stamina." It is when we turn to Tetratema's mother, Scotch Gift or is it his grandmother something else? apparently, that we discover his hereditary vice.

All the feeling I have for you isn't enough for any woman to marry on." "Maybe not," he said dolefully. "I suppose that's the way it goes. Hang it, I guess I was a little too sudden. But I'm a stayer. Maybe you'll change your mind some time."

If a sprinter with a light weight up can get away first, she may never be headed till the finish. But it had been a clear break, and Swallow had caught on. The pace was heart-breaking; murderous; terrific. Emetic's rider had taken a chance and lost it; lost it when McGloin caught him. Swallow was a better stayer; as fast as a sprinter.

Crofton," he observed, his mouth already full of bread and butter. Dolly was taken aback. "How did you know?" she cried. "But it's quite true I have seen Mrs. Crofton!" "What is she like?" asked Jack indifferently. "How old is she?" This from Betty, who somehow always seemed to ask the essential question. "D'you think she'll prove a 'stayer'?" questioned Tom.

It was like sitting in grandma's pet rocking chair when that roan loosened his muscles for a long, tireless gallop over the prairie sod, and as a stayer Andy had never seen his equal. It was not his turn to choose, however, and he held his breath lest the rope of another should settle over the slatey-black ears ahead of him.

She was the fastest mare they'd ever bred sound, and a weight-carrier too. 'I think I'll take Locket after all, says he, after thinking about it best part of an hour. 'She's very fast and a stayer. Good-tempered too, and the old horse has taken up with her. It will be company for him. 'Take your own way, I said, 'but I wouldn't chance her. She's known to a lot of jockey-boys and hangers-on.

"I'm afraid you're going to come a cropper, old man. This chap Wylie has the rail and he's running well. He has opened an office, I believe." "So I understand. Well, the race isn't over yet, and I'm a good stayer. This is the biggest thing I ever tackled and it means a lot to me more than you imagine." "How so?" Hanford recited the story of his old wrong, to Lowe's frank amazement.

I could smell the sage, strongly pungent, and the alkaline dust began to irritate my throat; the sun, if one stood still, was strong enough to blister the skin of the hands. For three-quarters of an hour it seemed to me that the distance between us and our quarry remained constant; but Dumble said we were falling behind. The thief was lighter than any of us, and his horse was evidently a stayer.