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Updated: August 7, 2024

And she followed meekly to the nearest greenhouse, where was a large tub of fresh water, and beside it a big squirt or syringe used for watering plants high up in the greenhouse. "Oh, Maurice dear, I never will call you stupid again!" cried Bryda, delighted, as Maurice filled the syringe and set to work upon her. What fun that was!

Thou hast come forth unarm'd; thou hast left thy tire-tete, thy new-invented forceps, thy crotchet, thy squirt, and all thy instruments of salvation and deliverance, behind thee, By Heaven! at this moment they are hanging up in a green bays bag, betwixt thy two pistols, at the bed's head! Ring; call; send Obadiah back upon the coach-horse to bring them with all speed.

"You don't pretend to tell me, do ye, that the Smyrna Ancients are afraid to have one of their own citizens as a referee?" demanded the brisk little man suspiciously. "If that's so, then there must be something decayed about your organization." "I don't think they're down here to squirt accordin' to the rules made and pervided," went on the ancient Vienna satirist.

The little fireman pointed the hose at Dinah, who was carrying the smoking and burning pan of candy over to the sink. "Fire! Fire! Pour on water! Pour on water!" shouted Freddie. "Look out dere, honey lamb! Don't squirt no watah on me!" cried Dinah. But Freddie had started the pump of his engine, and a stream of water squirted all over Dinah. "Oh mah good landy!" cried the fat cook.

He is travelled, but to little purpose; only went over for a squirt and came back again, yet never the more mended in his conditions, because he carried himself along with him. A scholar he pretends himself, and says he hath sweat for it, but the truth is he knows Cornelius far better than Tacitus.

One of the fireman with a portable extinguisher rushed upstairs, got out at the small window and reached Gummy's side quickly. "Good boy, kid," he said. "Let's give it the lad," and he began to squirt the contents of the fire extinguisher down the chimney. Gummy staggered back and sat down, coughing. His face and hands were pretty black and he was breathless.

"Listen, you space crawler," said Manning coldly, "one more word out of you and I'll bring you out in the passageway and pound that head of yours into space junk!" "I wish you'd try that, you little squirt!" snarled Loring. "I'd break you in two!" "O.K., pal," said Roger, "I'm going to give you that chance!" He opened the door to the cell and Loring stepped out.

Word regarding this strange salutation ran about among the merchants and artisans. "What's he up to now?" they asked each other. "Mr. Wilson, indeed! Now what's wrong between that young squirt and Zebe Wilson?" In the afternoon, four clerks from the Main Street stores and Ed Hall the carpenter's apprentice, who had a half day off because of rain, decided to investigate.

The group of outlaws that had gathered about the recumbent man gave place respectfully. From a bag at her waist Peggy drew out a little oblong leather case. It had been a present to her from Mr. Bell before they set out to cross the reptile-haunted desert. Opening the case she drew out a fairy-like little squirt, trimmed in silver. It was a hypodermic syringe.

He walked to the window and looked out. 'What a stupid street it is! said he. 'If my uncle had not taken away my squirt, I would squirt at the people. Then he yawned, and sauntered to the bookcase. 'What stupid books! I wonder any body can write them. I wish Edward had left his tools out; I should like to plane the top of the shelf. How stupid it is having nothing to do!

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