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Updated: August 7, 2024

It is in my power to squirt water into the back of the Prime Minister's neck, or to land a bomb in the small of his back, or in the centre of the platform at his next public meeting. We were left to conclude that the only differences between us would concern our choice of the squirt or the bomb.

If you squirt any more of that blamed water around here the place will rot to pieces under our very feet." Miss Saidie placed her watering-pot on the step and lifted to him the look of amiable wonder which he found more irritating than a sharp retort.

'If they're about the house, he said, 'give them horseshoes; if there's a bat-ball, squirt at it': he thinks there's a squirt in the tool-house Oh, there's the cat; I must " After delivering all this in one sentence, he rushed to the edge of the table and took a kind of header into the midst of the unfortunate animal, who, however, only moaned or crowed without waking, and turned partly over on her back.

I saw plainly that a good, old-fashioned squirt of tobacco-juice would ruin such a country as this, where every room in every house was inimical to the habit, and every speck of ground throughout the length and breadth of the land adapted to some useful or ornamental purpose.

"You know you do love him," he continued, his eyes flashing defiantly, "even if you did have a scrap and he loves you, too! And that dang St. Ledger's just nothing but a a a squirt that's what he is and if I was Bill Carmody I'd punch his head for him if he even spoke to you again if you was my girl!

One can't be all the time trying to do the best of one's best if a company works a steam fire-engine, the firemen needn't be straining themselves all day to squirt over the top of the flagstaff. Let them wash some of those lower-story windows a little. Travel, according to my experience, does not exactly correspond to the idea one gets of it out of most books of travels.

It cannot be expected, and indeed is not required, that the chief actors in these wild gambols, stripped to the buff, and shying buckets of water at one another, should be confined within very narrow limits in their game. Accordingly, some mount the rigging to shower down their cascades, while others squirt the fire-engine from unseen corners upon the head of the unsuspecting passer-by.

Tom and Bud donned flippers and belt, and helped each other strap on his ion-drive jet. "Down we go, into the wilds of sharks!" Bud chortled lustily. "Watch your step, Tom." "Just make sure you come up again in one piece," Zimby said with a grin. "Also, don't get carried away with that ion squirt gun and take off on a round-the-world underwater cruise." "Who knows?" Tom joked.

I was also pleased to find that man and the clam lay still at the same angle to one another. But I did not notice sea-pearl. Like Cleopatra, I must have swallowed it. I have since dug these clams on a flat in the Bay, and observed them. They could squirt full ten feet before the wind, as appeared by the marks of the drops on the sand.

"So they've sent us a cricketer in young Doe," Radley was saying to Dr. Chapman. Chappy turned in his chair, which creaked alarmingly, and composed himself to talk comfortably. "Oh, the Gray Doe yes, charming little squirt best bat the Nursery had last year. And, though nobody but myself recognised it, the Gem was the best bowler." "The Gem?" queried Radley. "Who was the 'Gem'?"

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