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"Will you indorse their paper for one thousand dollars?" was his next question. Being by this time somewhat "spunked up," I replied that I would. "Then I shall be pleased to meet your friends," said Mr. Snyder. The result of the interview that followed was such that the Democrat was materially assisted in continuing its publication.

"I'se pretty shore on't, honey. Yer see when dat ar under-sheriff come ter day an' had look all 'round fer Nimbus, he sed, finally, sez he, 'I'se got a'tachment' dat's what he call it, Miss Mollie a'tachment 'gin de property, or sunthin' o' dat kine. I didn't know nary ting 'bout it, but I spunked up an' tole him ebbery ting in de house dar was mine.

Once or twice, when she came to bring suthin, Ant McNab kinder advised her to do this and that, and the way the leetle critter spunked up and had her own way, made me think o' Miss Adèle and pleased me some, I tell ye.

I don't believe I could have spunked up enough to have gone downstairs in the dark, thinking every second that child might be close to me. The lamp and the smell of the biscuits baking seemed to sort of keep my courage up, but I tell you I didn't waste much time going down those stairs and out into the kitchen for a glass of water.

It gave me something of a stroke to find so weak a bit in a man of so many notable parts. He spunked up like tinder. "Do you call me a liar?" he said, with a face as white as a clout, his nostrils stretching in his rage. "Liar!" said I, "not I. It would be an ill time to do it with our common enemy at the door.

I come fer the town of Whitcom. An' then he spunked up some an' says, 'I don't give a darn, he says, 'what comes of 'Lish, an' I don't know nobody as does, fur's he's person'ly concerned; but he's got to be a town charge less 'n you take 'm off our hands. "Dave turned to me an' says, jest as if he meant it, 'How 'd you like to have him here, Polly?

Once old Nick got the boy here he did his best to use him, too, but from what I can learn Lans spunked up at the end and showed himself more of a man than we might have expected. He played a good deal of havoc in a few short weeks, though." Marcia Lowe had eliminated Sandy from poor Cynthia's romance or tragedy.

A bill was introduced in the Legislature to wipe it out bodily, and in 1888, after four years of pulling and hauling, we had spunked up enough to file maps for the "Mulberry Bend Park." Blessed promise! And it was kept, if it did take a prodigious lot of effort, for right there decency had to begin, or not at all. Go and look at it to-day and see what it is like. But that is another story.

Then he Spunked up and said that if she was going to look a Gift Horse in the Mouth, they wouldn't Talk about it any more. In the meantime the Grass Widow was living at the Waldorf-Astoria. MORAL: Those who are Entitled to it Get it sooner or later. The Prosperous Farmer lived in an Agricultural Section of the Middle West. He commanded the Respect of all his Neighbors.

Aunt Debby's got what the piece in the Reader used to call a 'frugal mind. She don't intend to waste anything. Last Thursday I spunked up courage enough to yell for salt fish and potatoes fixed up with pork scraps, you know, same's we used to have when I was a boy. We had 'em all right, and if beans of a Saturday hadn't been part of her religion we'd be warmin' 'em up yet.