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'Ti salute, Rosignuolo, Nel tuo duolo, il saluto! Sei l'amante delta rosa Che morendo si fa sposa!" Her rich voice rippled out on the air, rivaling the songs of the nightingales themselves. She broke off with a little laugh "Poor Fabio! there was always a false note somewhere when he sung. Come, Guido!"

Again again! that hollow rumbling and crackling sound overhead. What could it be? "L'amore incoronato!" hummed Nina fitfully, as she plunged her round, jeweled arm down again into the chest of treasure. "Si, si! Che morendo si fa sposa che morendo si fa sposa ah!" This last was an exclamation of pleasure; she had found some toy that charmed her it was the old mirror set in its frame of pearls.

'The lady, however, is obdurate, wonderfully so, of course, seeing that she is the world's last wonder, and so the match is broken off. But the secret is of such a nature that the lady's invincible objection to revealing it is bound up with the fact of her being a promised bride. 'I wonder he didn't say sposa, said Charley. 'I never thought of that, said Katie. Mrs.

We got home soon after eight, and, as our ancestors would have said, settled our stomachs with a dish of tea. It makes me shudder now to think of the mixed liquids and miscellaneous cakes we had consumed at that unwonted hour. At half-past three, Eustace and I again prepared ourselves for action. His gondola was in attendance, covered with the felze, to take us to the house of the sposa.

Moved with quick pity I called again: "Nina!" She laughed again the same terrible laugh. "Si, si! Son' bella, son' bellissima!" she murmured. "E tu, Guido mio? Tu m'ami?" Then raising one hand as though commanding attention she cried: "Ascolta!" and began to sing clearly though feebly: "Ti saluto, Rosignuolo! Nel tuo duolo ti saluto! Sei l'amante della rosa Che morendo si fa sposa!"

To her he was the soul of Rome, the reason why Rome was; and when she saw his white figure against the scarlet background of cardinals she remembered how Rome looked against the rosy Campagna at sunset from her far-away window in Monte Compatri. "A little sposa, is she?" the pope said when Monsignor Catinari presented her. "I bless you, my child: wear this in memory of me."

It appeared that O'Leary, much more alive to the imperative necessity of avoiding detection by his sposa, than of involving himself with the police, had thrown out most dark and mysterious hints in the hotel as to the reason of his residence at Paris; fully impressed with the idea that, to be a good Pole, he need only talk "revolutionary;" devote to the powers below, all kings, czars, and kaisers; weep over the wrongs of his nation; wear rather seedy habiliments, and smoke profusely.

All that the bridegroom heard was that the baroness was a Lutheran; and as the matrimonia mixta are forbidden in Vienna and in Bavaria, the bridegroom withdrew from the engagement. In her grief over the affair, the sposa repudiata said farewell to the world, and determined to wear theparta for the remainder of her days. That is why she chose this remote region as a residence."

By what force of authority I know not, one of the fellows triumphed; he turned to me with a satisfied smile, and presented his wife. "Mia sposa, signore!" The crowd and I followed to the dogana, close by, where as vigorous a search was made as I have ever had to undergo. I puzzled the people; my arrival was an unwonted thing, and they felt sure I was a trader of some sort.

The fille entretenue, the duchesse, and the bourgeoise, disguised under a similar domino, were not always distinguishable; and I have heard of a certain French marquis, who was here laid under heavy contribution for the momentary gratification of his caprice, though the object of it proved to be no other than his own cara sposa. Paris, January 19, 1802.