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Updated: August 22, 2024

Under their talk, in the minds of both, that lonely spot lingered, and the legend: Soldat Inconnu, Mort pour La France. After four days' rest in the rear, the Battalion went to the front again in new country, about ten kilometers east of the trench they had relieved before. One morning Colonel Scott sent for Claude and Gerhardt and spread his maps out on the table.

I believe no apology need be made for subjoining here, another very favourite song in the French army: One of our party heard it sung by a body of French soldiers, who were on their return to their homes, from the campaign of Moscow. L'Astre de nuit dans son paisible eclat Lanca ses feux sur les tentes de la France, Non loin de camp un jeune et beau soldat Ainsi chantoit appuyè sur sa lance.

Anxious to impress on the minds of the Directors, the necessity of the expedition to Egypt, he made a speech, in which the meanest flattery was judiciously mingled with his usual vanity. "Ce n'est que sous un gouvernement aussi sage aussi grand que le votre, qu'un simple soldat tel que moi pouvait conçevoir le projet de porter la guerre en Egypte. Oui, Directeurs,

"Look you, Milady," said Cigarette, half sullenly, half passionately, for the words were wrenched out of her generosity, and choked her in their utterance, "that man suffers; his life here is a hell upon earth I don't mean for the danger, he is bon soldat; but for the indignity, the subordination, the license, the brutality, the tyranny. He is as if he were chained to the galleys.

"C'est un petit garçon de l'Armistice" with a happy blush. "Ah, let us hope that he will always be a little child of peace." But in another moment she is playing with him, chucking him under the chin. "Tiens, mon coco! Viens, mon petit soldat you must grow up strong and big, for you are another little soldier for France."

"Je suis pere de famille!... Je suis un soldat de France!... Dans les tranchees pour cinq mois!... Qu'est-ce que mes camarades vont dire, 'cre nom de Dieu? et mon capitaine? C'est emmordant apres toute ma service comme brave soldat. Mais, quoi donc, mon vieux!" "Viens donc, saligaud," growled the agent de police. The crowd was against the policeman.

"Poor Raoul! and what of my other cousin, the beau Marquis? Several months ago his Legitimist faith seemed vacillating he talked to me very fairly about the duties a Frenchman owed to France, and hinted that he should place his sword at the command of Napoleon III. I have not yet heard of him as a soldat de France I hear a great deal of him as a viveur de Paris."

At last, when we rose to go the old man in an excess of hospitality accompanied us fifty yards on our way. We promised to bring some companions on another day. "But no, monsieur, that will not do we cannot get more eggs, and my wife she is a little afraid of the soldat from Australie." After he left us and returned to the farm we doubled back, and round to the other side.

"It was worth the trials that I bore to learn the love that I have known." And the memories of both went back to a place in a desert land where the folds of the tricolour drooped over one little grave a grave where the troops saluted as they passed it, because on the white stone there was carved a name that spoke to every heart: CIGARETTE ENFANT DE L'ARMÉE, SOLDAT DE LA FRANCE.

Their talk was interrupted by a cheer that broke out in front of a recreation house, in reality a YMCA hut, or le Foyer du Soldat as it was called. It was where the airmen went when not on duty to read the papers, write letters and buy chocolate. "What's up now?" asked Jack, as he and his chum looked toward the cheering squad of aviators and their assistants. "Give it up.

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