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After disportin' me-self among the most laughable moral improvements of the revised shell games I took meself to the shore for the benefit of the cool air. 'And did ye observe the Durbar, Miss Flynn? "'I did, says she, reflectin'; 'but 'tis not safe, I'm thinkin', to ride down them slantin' things into the water. "'How did ye fancy the shoot the chutes? I asks.

She's slantin' away as if th' devil himself ware holdin' av her fore foot!" "Steam, you poor idiots," I cried out, in disgust, for it was evident that even Trunnell couldn't tell what made the Shark get headway, although now the smoke poured handsomely from her masthead. Trunnell scratched his bushy head and seemed to be thinking deeply.

"Thought I'd git the joke on you," he said, when he stopped laughing. "The road's been slantin' into the mountains, without you knowin' it, and Townsville is cut off by the cliffs. You'll find it gettin' wilder now 'till we start down the slope on the other side. Lucky our hosses are strong, 'cause the mud is deeper than I thought it would be."

Some men git to be as experienced at it as tooth-dentists are at pullin'. They cut around the gum, and then put the nail at jest sich an angle, slantin' downward for an upper tooth, or upwards for a lower one, and hit one lick." "Will the tooth come at the first lick?" "Ginerally. If it didn't, you might as well stick your head in a swarm o' bees and fergit who you are."

With crazy, slantin' old housen on either side forms of misery filling the narrow, filthy street, wearing the semblance of manhood and womanhood. And worst of all, embruted, and haggard, and aged childhood. Filth of all sorts cumbering the broken old walks, and hoverin' over all a dretful sicknin' odor, full of disease and death.

She talked about a fountain of pure water down where now wuz filth too horrible to mention. She talked very wild for she talked about them terrible slantin' old housen bein' torn down to make room for this Paradise of the future. Had she been older, words might have fallen from her feverish lips of how the woes, and evils, and crimes of the lower classes always react upon the upper.

"Cholo mix-up," said Saunders. "And shootin' from the ground, at that," continued Williams. "And at a fella on a horse. Easy to see that, for the both holes are slantin' up. The shootin' was done from below." Saunders flushed. He was about to speak when Williams interrupted him. "Makes me think of some of Overland Red's that is, old Red Jack Summers's fancy work.

Crop and I learned what we ought to've know before, and that was that it's a safe thing for a hunter to have an extra horn of powder in his pocket, and a loaded rifle in his hand when a mad bull moose is on his trail, and that a slantin' tree is a good thing to get onto at sich a time."

Ef it warn't for that we could spend to-night here, an to-morry I'd take you all to see the fog mill; but, as it is, I rayther think I won't linger here, but perceed on our way." "Where do we go next to Nova Scotia?" "Wal, not jest straight across, but kine o' slantin. We head now for Digby; that's about straight opposite to St. John, an it's as likely a place as any to make inquiries at."

How the storms had beat upon her; the first autumn rains of a thousand years, the first snow-flakes that had wavered down in a slantin' line and touched the tips of her outstretched fingers, and then had drifted about her till her heart wuz almost frozen and she would clap her cold hands together to warm 'em, and wail out a dretful moanin' sound of desolation, and pain.