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This doctrine being spoken to the heart, Which also is made yield to every part Thereof, it doth the same with sweetness fill, And so doth sins and wickednesses kill; For when the love of God is thus reveal'd, And thy poor drooping spirit thereby seal'd, And when thy heart, as dry ground, drinks this in Unto the roots thereof, which nourish sin, It smites them, as the worm did Jonah's gourd, And makes them dwindle of their own accord, And die away; instead of which there springs Up life and love, and other holy things.

But bring thou with thee a certificate, To show thou seest thyself most desolate; Writ by the master, with repentance seal'd, To shew also that here thou would'st be heal'd, By those fair leaves of that most blessed tree, By which alone poor sinners healed be; And that thou dost abhor thee for thy ways.

In my dull ear strange murmurs sound More faintly throbs my heart; The many twinkling lights of Heaven Scarce glimmer in the blue Chill round me falls the breath of even, Cold on my brow the dew; Earth, stars, and heavens are lost to sight The chase is o'er! brave friend, good-night! Our fate is seal'd! 'Tis now in vain to sigh For home, or friends, or country left behind.

One had sworn He had said 'Hail! for SHE was imag'd there, By whom the key did open to God's love; And in her act as sensibly imprest That word, 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord, As figure seal'd on wax." And very beautifully has Flaxman transferred the sculpture "divinely wrought upon the rock of marble white" to earthly form.

"The joy that flash'd out from thy death-shrouded eyes, That laugh'd in thy dimples, and brighten'd thy cheek, Is quench'd but the smile on thy pale lip that lies, Now tells of a joy that no language can speak. The fountain is seal'd, the young spirit at rest, Oh, why should I mourn thee, my lov'd one my blest!"

When, finding it to be a man's: and "who knows," I cry'd out, "but this wretch's wife, in some part of the world, secure at home, may expect his coming; or perhaps a son, ignorant of the fatal storm, may wait the wisht arrival of his father; who with so many kisses seal'd his unwilling parting: These are our great designs! vain mortals swell with promising hopes, yet there's the issue of them all! see the mighty nothing how it's tost!"

Since my dear soul was mistress of her choice, And could of men distinguish, her election Hath seal'd thee for herself; for thou hast been As one, in suffering all, that suffers nothing; A man that fortune's buffets and rewards Hath ta'en with equal thanks: and blest are those Whose blood and judgment are so well commingled That they are not a pipe for Fortune's finger To sound what stop she please.

Yet, gentle Sleep, if thou wilt come, Such darkness shall prepare the room As thy own palace overspreads, Thy palace stored with peaceful beds, And Silence, too, shall on thee wait Deep, as in the Turkish State; Whilst, still as death, I will be found, My arms by one another bound, And my dull limbs so clos'd shall be As if already seal'd by thee.

Fabric it seemed of diamond and of gold, With alabaster domes and silver spires, And blazing terrace upon terrace, high Uplifted: here, serene pavilions bright, In avenues disposed; there, towers begirt With battlements, that on their restless fronts Bore stars-illumination of all gems! A certificate, To show thou seest thyself most desolate; Writ by the Master, with repentance seal'd.

O gin my love were yon red rose, That grows upon the castle wa', And I mysel' a drap o' dew Into her bonnie breast to fa'! Oh, there beyond expression blest, I'd feast on beauty a' the night; Seal'd on her silk saft faulds to rest, Till fley'd awa by Phoebus light. This thought is inexpressibly beautiful; and quite, so far as I know, original.