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These he seal'd with his life. The tragic splendor of his death, purging, illuminating all, throws round his form, his head, an aureole that will remain and will grow brighter through time, while history lives, and love of country lasts. By many has this Union been help'd; but if one name, one man, must be pick'd out, he, most of all, is the conservator of it, to the future.

Why, Madam, tis on honourable tearmes, Since not upon the first attempt but after A tedious seige in to your faire love you give up What shall enrich us both. It were a sinne To feare you can retract what both our lipps Have seal'd, and loose a happines so neare And so secure.

The Holy Spirit gives him a certificate; thus described by Bunyan in the House of God "But bring with thee a certificate, To show thou seest thyself most desolate; Writ by the Master, with repentance seal'd; To show also, that here thou would'st be healed By those fair leaves of that most blessed tree By which alone poor sinners healed be: And that thou dost abhor thee for thy ways, And would'st in holiness spend all thy days; And here be entertained; or thou wilt find To entertain thee here are none inclined!"

This is my tale of woe; and if thou wilt Be warn'd by me, the sparkling cup resign; A serpent lurks within the ruby wine, Guileful and strong as him who erst betray'd The world's first parents in their bowers of joy. Let not the tempting draught your soul pervade; It shines to kill, and sparkles to destroy. The drunkard's sentence has been seal'd above, Exiled for ever from the heaven of love!"

"Here they lie had realms and lands Who now want strength to stir their hands; Where from their pulpits seal'd with dust They preach 'In greatness is no trust' . . . Here are sands, ignoble things, Dropt from the ruin'd sides of kings. . . ."

We do indeed read of dead men raised to life again by the power of God, but of the awful and unimaginable experiences through which they passed not a word is told. "'Where wert thou, brother, those four days? There lives no record of reply. . . . . . Behold a man raised up by Christ! The rest remaineth unreveal'd; He told it not; or something seal'd The lips of that Evangelist."

Now is arriv'd Jerusalem's fatal hour, When she and sacrifice must be no more: Long against Heav'n had'st thou, rebellious town, Thy public trumpets of defiance blown; Didst open wars against thy Lord maintain, And all his messengers of peace have slain: And now the hour of his revenge is come, Thy weeks are finish'd, and thy slumb'ring doom, Which long has laid in the divine decree, Is now arous'd from his dull lethargy; His army's rais'd, and his commission seal'd, His order's given, and cannot be repeal'd: And now thy people, temple, altars all Must in one total dissolution fall.

Many of the passages which Lord Campbell cites as evidence of Shakespeare's "legal acquirements" excite only a smile at the self-delusion of the critic who could regard them for a moment in that light. For instance, these lines in that most exquisite song in "Measure for Measure;" "Take, oh, take those lips away," "But my kisses bring again Seals of love, but seal'd in vain";

Your most obedient servant said I, making him a low bow The commissary, with all the sincerity of grave good breeding made me one, as low again. I never was more disconcerted with a bow in my life. The comparison was standing close by with his panniers but something seal'd up my lips I could not pronounce the name Sir, said I, collecting myself it is not my intention to take post

It is a figure of speech and intensifies the affirmative with its irony. 'This a consul? No. 'Give me that man that is not passion's slave. Since my dear soul was mistress of her choice, And could of men distinguish her election, She hath seal'd thee for herself: for thou hast been As one, in suffering all, that suffers nothing.