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You should not go flower hunting in city clothes. With your pink and white dress and lovely Dresden sash, silk stockings and low shoes, you look more fit for a dance than a ramble after deep woods flowers, such as moccasins. But we might as well go on now." She led the way across the school-yard, climbed nimbly over the rail fence and laughed at Isabel's clumsy imitation of her.

As the two girls reached the edge of the woods and climbed over the fence into the school-yard Martin Landis came walking down the road. "Hello," he called gaily. "Been robbing the woods, Amanda?" "Aren't they lovely?" she asked. Then when he drew near she introduced him to the girl beside her. Martin Landis was not a blind man.

Jim thrashed the bully of his class. It was a forbidden thing to fight in the school-yard, or in school hours, and so Jim was thrashed again for his victory. But Mr. Hazeltine shook hands with him afterward and said "it wasn't because he thrashed Upton, but because he had broken the rules, and he liked to see a boy have courage enough to stand up for himself."

His mother's face, white with her long watching, and sad and anxious in spite of its brave smile, filled him with such an agony of remorse that, hurrying through his breakfast, he snatched a farewell kiss, and then tore away down the lane lest he should be forced to confess all his terrible secret. The first person who met him in the school-yard was Foxy. "Have you got that?" was his salutation.

He constructed a small working forge in his school-yard, and built a small steam engine that could make ten miles an hour. He spent his winter evenings reading mechanical and scientific journals; he cared little for general literature, but machinery in any form was almost a pathological obsession.

The children were out in the bare school-yard during the afternoon recess, when Maria, sitting huddled over the stove for warmth, heard such a clamor that she ran to the window.

They were playing they were Kaiser and Kaiserin! Two small boys in a school-yard discussing their relative prowess as jumpers end the discussion when one says as a final word: "Oh, I can jump as high as the Kaiser!" We have noted in another article how even police sergeants must be familiar with the history of the House of Hohenzollern.

There was a gang of young ruffians, street boys, who used to hang around the school gates and maltreat the stragglers and even the boys in the yard, if the gate was left open, and I remember one day three or four of them invading the school-yard after I had dismissed the boys to go upstairs at the end of the intermission, thinking that they would have a fine game with the monitor.

The humiliation and disgrace which the stammering child must undergo on the way to school, in the school-yard and on the way home again, is a tremendous force in the life of the youngster a force which may seriously impede his mental development, his physical welfare and his progress in school.

But although this was the case, he never spoke against the practice to the other boys, even when he lost places by it. "I say, Williams," said Duncan, one morning as they strolled into the school-yard, "do you know your Rep.?" "No," said Eric, "not very well; I haven't given more than ten minutes to it." "Oh, well, never mind it now; come and have a game at racquets?