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He had sixteen dollars in the lining of his coat, and for days as he tramped and worked, he saw this hoard expended in San Francisco a bath, clean linen, and a dinner, a dinner in a rotisserie with a pint of red wine and a cigar. He saw no further than that sixteen dollars' worth of comfort and good living. Now he was like a child deprived of its candy.

She raised her face to his, and in sight of the big house's many creepered windows, he kissed her. Late that same afternoon, Jolyon had a nap in the old armchair. Face down on his knee was La Rotisserie de la Refine Pedauque, and just before he fell asleep he had been thinking: 'As a people shall we ever really like the French?

A Chinese chop-suey den with a red-and-yellow carved dragon, and at an upper window a squat Chinaman who might easily be carrying a kris, "or whatever them Chink knives are," as he observed for the hundredth time he had taken this journey. A rotisserie, before whose upright fender of scarlet coals whole ducks were happily roasting to a shiny brown. And the florists!

Clay was waiting for lunch at a rôtisserie on Sixth Avenue, and in order to lose no time of which he had more just now than he knew what to do with was meanwhile reading a newspaper propped against a water-bottle. From the personal column there popped out at him three lines that caught his attention: If this meets the eye of C. L. of Arizona please write me. Box M-21, The Herald. Am in trouble.

The person speaking was Mark Burrage and his communication was mysterious and urgent. The night before, in a curious and unexpected manner, he had received some information of a deeply interesting nature upon which he wanted to consult Crowder. Would Crowder meet him at Philip's Rotisserie that evening at seven and arrange to come to his room afterward for an hour?

Delicatessen shops with their appetizing medley of cooked and pickled meats, dried fruits, cheeses, and bright coloured jars of preserves; small modistes with generously contoured wax busts of coiffured ladies; lunch rooms with the day's menu typed and pasted on the outer pane; a French rotisserie where chickens turn hissing on the spits before a tall oven of rosy coals; florists, tobacconists, fruit-dealers, and a Greek candy-shop with a long soda fountain shining with onyx marble and coloured glass lamps and nickel tanks of hot chocolate; a stationery shop, now stuffed for the holiday trade with Christmas cards, toys, calendars, and those queer little suede-bound volumes of Kipling, Service, Oscar Wilde, and Omar Khayyam that appear every year toward Christmas time such modest and cheerful merchandising makes the western pavement of Gissing Street a jolly place when the lights are lit.

The Sire Philippe d'Idre, bailiff of the town and city of Tours and province of Touraine, living in his hotel in the Rue de la Rotisserie, in Chateauneuf; Master Jehan Ribou, provost of the brotherhood and company of drapers, residing on the Quay de Bretaingne, at the image of St.

I'll take her and you to some bum two-bit vaudeville show some night, if you'd like.... Got to show my gratitude to you for standing my general slovenliness.... Lord! nice evening dine at a rôtisserie with a newspaper for companion. Well g' night and g' luck." Una surprised her mother, when they were vivisecting the weather after dinner, by suddenly crying all over the sofa cushions.