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Well, these fellers has been in the habit o' gittin' together and goin' deown river and hirin' once in a spell, some sort of old, cranky craft and goin' skylarking reound to Eastport and Portland. Arter a while they'd cum back and smuggle in a cargo o' somethin' or 'nother from the States, and sheirk the dooties.

Wild beasts and sech, is what I like". "Don't you feel lonely here, sometimes, Mr. Micah?" "Lunsum! no. There's plenty o' fellers reound here, all the time. They're a heowlin' set tew, ez ever I see". "You have a good gun there", suggested the missionary. "Well, tolable", said Micah, looking up for the first time since Mr.

Wal, I never 'xpected ye'd be much help ter yer mother; ye're tew fond uv hikin' reound the village." "Indeed, Miss Mimy," said Lurindy, kind of indignant, "she's always been the greatest help to mother." "I don't know how I should have made both ends meet this year, if it hadn't been for her wages," said mother. Stephen was whittling Miss Mimy's portrait on the end of a stick, and laughing.

My 'pinion is that human natur was meant to live reound on rivers and in the woods, or vyagin' on lakes, and sech. I never breathe jest nateral and lively, till I git eout o' between heouse walls into the free air". "'Tis a glorious life, Micah! I agree to it". "Hark!" said Micah! "Got yer piece ready? Maybe you'll hev' a chance to bring sumthin' deown. I heerd an old squaw holler jest neow".

No, apparently he had not; his benign blessed face uplifted, and his voice so glad: "Ye know how 'tis with women folks; they don't give no warnin', but first ye know they're kilin' themselves all reound and reound yer h'art-strings.

"'Yew tell Mis' Garrison, says I, ''t birds is so thick 'reound my premmuses this year I couldn't think o' chargin' nothin' for 'em, 'specially to an old Basin like her! "For in them days, 'fore I got moderated, I didn't mind p'intin' hints at nobody, or weoundin' their feelin's, 'specially ef it jibed along in with playin' some ongodly trick on 'em."

The little critter used to bring 'em in and be so pitiful to me and say, do Micah try to eat this, so that you may git well; and she seemed so pooty, sincere and nateral like in all her ways, that I took to her mightily, specially as I hadn't Miss Adèle to look arter and chore reound for, any more.

"So she came up with a yaller lace parasol, abeout twelve foot in c'cumf'rence, sorter makin' me think of a tud under a harrer; though, I sh'd have to say it afore the meetin'-house, she was dreadful purty-lookin', an' blamed ef she didn't know it. "Wal, I see she'd made up her mind to kile herself 'reound me, ef she could.

Wal, an' then you set yer thumb an' knit plain, 'xcept a seam-stetch each side uv yer thumb; an' you widden tew stetches, one each side, s'pose ye know heow ter widden? an' narry? ev'ry third reound, tell yer 've got nineteen stetches acrost yer thumb; then ye knit, 'ithout widdenin', a matter uv seven or eight reounds more, you listenin', Emerline?"

Such an arrangement would doubtless be of great service to me. I should be exceedingly grateful for it". Micah, who had been hitherto a quiet listener to the colloquy, now gave a short, violent cough, and said, "Captin', it's kinder queer I should happen to hev an arrand reound to Fredericton to-morrow.