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"We always serve it that way, madame," he quavered to the gray eyes that regarded him wrathfully. Gloria made no answer, but when the waiter had turned discreetly away she banged both fists upon the table until the china and silver rattled. "Poor Gloria!" laughed Anthony unwittingly, "you can't get what you want ever, can you?" "I can't eat stuff!" she flared up. "I'll call back the waiter."

He held down the D flat, and the open pipe went booming and throbbing through the long nave arcades, and in the dark recesses of the triforium, and under the beetling vaulting, and quavered away high up in the lantern, till it seemed like the death-groan of a giant. "Take it up," Westray said; "I can't bear the throbbing." "Very well; now listen while I give you the Gloria.

He chuckled and winked. "I du be a turble vunny man," quavered the thin falsetto voice. "They be niver a dune a laughin' along o' my jokes. An' I du remember Zur Timothy's vather zo well as Zur Timothy hisself, though 'ee bin dead nigh sixty year. Lard, 'ee was a bad 'un, was y' ould squire. An old devil. That's what 'ee was."

Charley took the iron out of his hand. "I'll press, if you'll show me how," he said. "I don't want a fiddling ten-minutes' help like that." "It isn't fiddling. I'm going to stay, if you think I'll do." "You are going to stop-every day?" The old man's voice quavered a little. "Precisely that." Charley wetted a seam with water as he had often seen tailors do.

The gambler's eyes, unguarded and sincere for once, flashed quizzical admiration at Little Boy Blue, who, concurrently with the above speech, quavered forth his lurid personal opinions of the red pony.

He laughed, a dry, crackling laugh, and his mouth opened twice or thrice to speak, but gasping breaths only came forth. With a last effort, however- -as the priest, shocked, stretched out his hand and said: "Have done, have done, Trudel!" he cried, in a voice that quavered shrilly: "He asked tailor-man sign from Heaven. Look-look!" He pointed wildly at Charley. "I gave him sign of "

"You're makin' things wuss," interrupted the girl, stridently, "an' now you're goin' to do all you can to kill us. I reckon you can see that door. Why don't you go over to the Dillons?" she panted. "They're friends o' your'n. An' don't let Uncle Joel or Rube ketch you anywhar round hyeh!" "I'm not afraid to see Uncle Joel or Rube, Lissy." "You must git away, Chad," quavered the old woman.

"You called me, and I came came to help you, to save you, and to love you. You have nothing to fear now. That incarnate baseness has sunk down, down, too deep for resurrection! He shall never return!" "Hugh! Hugh!" she quavered. "What have you done with him? Where is he?" Upon Gordon's exultant countenance there fell a shade of solemnity. "I know not," he replied in awed tones.

Gardner Knowles brought a poem of his once, which he had borrowed from him, and read it to the company, Stephanie, Ethel Tuckerman, Lane Cross, and Irma Ottley assembled. "Listen to this," Knowles had suddenly exclaimed, taking it out of his pocket. It concerned a garden of the moon with the fragrance of pale blossoms, a mystic pool, some ancient figures of joy, a quavered Lucidian tune.

It was a day of social hilarity, the Jewish law strictly forbidding mourning and gloom during festivals. The people were commanded on feast days to rejoice before the Lord their God with all their might. We fancy there were no houses where children were afraid to laugh, where the voice of social cheerfulness quavered away in terror lest it should awake a wrathful God.