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He rose gasping and weeping. 'Oh, he said, 'vos there efer any think so vunny? Oh, somepoty holt me. I shall tie of it. He recovered slowly, and seeing how deeply his laughter wounded the object of it, he tried to look solemn, but broke out again. Pauer spoke sharply to him in the foreign tongue he had used before, and he subdued himself.

Did somebody tumble over a bank of a dark night, it was Seitz that we soon heard making his way back, swearing in deep German gutterals, with frequent allusion to 'tausend teuflin. Did a shanty blow down, we ran over and pulled Seitz out of the debris, when he would exclaim: "Zo! dot vos pretty vunny now, ain't it?"

Yust lemme take your coat off a minute and I gleans dot up like a nudel soup." "Say, mind your own business, won't you?" growled Offitt. "Here's your money, and when I want any of your guff I'll let you know." He hurried out, leaving the poor German amazed at the ill result of his effort to turn an honest penny and do a fellow-creature a service. "Vunny beebles!" he said to himself.

'I don't mind drinking out of a jug, said Paul, 'but I like a clean jug. I've read Aristophanes in translation. It's like drinking wine out of a gold cup that has been washed in a sewer. 'Who says that? asked Darco. 'I do, said Paul. 'It is a ferry coot ebicram, said Darco. 'I vill rememper id. But, mindt you, to be squeamish is not to be glean-minded. If a sdory is vunny, I laugh. Vy not?

He chuckled and winked. "I du be a turble vunny man," quavered the thin falsetto voice. "They be niver a dune a laughin' along o' my jokes. An' I du remember Zur Timothy's vather zo well as Zur Timothy hisself, though 'ee bin dead nigh sixty year. Lard, 'ee was a bad 'un, was y' ould squire. An old devil. That's what 'ee was."

Did somebody tumble over a bank of a dark night, it was Seitz that we soon heard making his way back, swearing in deep German gutterals, with frequent allusion to 'tausend teuflin. Did a shanty blow down, we ran over and pulled Seitz out of the debris, when he would exclaim: "Zo! dot vos pretty vunny now, ain't it?"