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It was the first act in a horrible drama, a dread pursuivant of the civil and religious wars which were to culminate in the massacre of St. Bartholomew at Paris. The stake was a high one, for the victory of the reformers would sound the death-knell of the Catholic cause in Europe.

A great shout broke from the English portion of the soldiery as Cuthbert leant over his prostrate foe, and receiving no answer to the question "Do you yield?" rose to his feet, and signified to the squire who had kept near that his opponent was insensible. King Richard ordered the pursuivant to lead Cuthbert to the royal enclosure.

See, see! there is Hunter, and Winthrop, and Pursuivant, and Mortimer, and Shaw, and Russell, and, yes no it is, over there your friend, Surrey, himself. Did you know, Francesca?" Francesca did not reply. Mrs. Lancaster turned to see her lying white and cold in her chair. Endurance had failed at last. "The plain, unvarnished tale of my whole course of love." Shakespeare

A figure was mounting the ladder. A boy! Oh, Heavens! would it be too late? Who was it? They were still too far off to see. They might only be cruelly holding out hope to one of the doomed. The pursuivant shouted aloud "In the King's name, Hold!" He lifted Dennet on his shoulder, and bade her wave her parchment. An overpowering roar arose. "A pardon! a pardon! God save the King!"

Every poor person who had not had every demand supplied from the charities was running about, adding to the grievance at every encounter with tender-hearted lady or justice-loving gentleman, whose blood boiled over into a letter for the Pursuivant, which, when sifted and refused, was transferred to the Dearport Hermes, or Erms, as most of its supporters termed it.

And besides fool that he was! his brothers had again attacked a train of waggons on the highway and would soon be called to account as robbers. This would certainly lead the Swiss and others to investigate his own past, and the Pursuivant at Arms excluded from joust and tourney whoever "injured trade or merchant."

The horses were now passing down the street, and the noise of their hoofs grew fainter behind the houses. Anthony saw his friend in the twilight beckon, and he went across and stood by him. Suddenly the hoofs sounded loud and near; and they heard the pursuivant below stand up from the bank opposite. Then Mary's voice came distinct and cheerful. "How dark it is!"

'Ay, my lord, said Kitson, who with his comrade had followed close in Percy's wake, 'we were going home to bid Mistress Agnes take her choice of us; but this morn we've met a pursuivant that is come with Norroy King- at-arms, and what doth he but tell us that no sooner were our backs turned, than what doth Mistress Agnes but wed ay, wed outright one Tom of the Lee, a sneaking rogue that either of us would have beat black and blue, had we ever seen him utter a word to her?

Put muckle to muckle, and little to wee! Besides, I hate and scorn small things. I'll go on the highest horse here, or not at all." The pursuivant eyed him attentively a moment. He then adopted a courteous manner. "I shall study your will in all things reasonable. Giles reflected.

The pursuivant, meanwhile, drew aside; and with him the constable and head-borough, who were not without some tacit suspicion, that though Peveril was interrupting the direct course of law in this matter, yet he was likely to have his offence considered by favourable judges; and therefore it might be as much for their interest and safety to give way as to oppose him.