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"What on earth does she mean by singing at a quarter to one o'clock?" he thought, and went once more to the window. "Why that is really beautiful." Oui! c'est un reve, Oui! c'est un reve doux d'amour. La nuit lui prete son mystere, Il doit finir il doit finir avec le jour. The song of Helene ceased. Gethryn leaned out and gazed down at the lighted windows under his. Suddenly the light went out.

Rochester entered, unannounced, and looking at us, seemed to take pleasure in the spectacle of a group so amicable when he said he supposed the old lady was all right now that she had got her adopted daughter back again, and added that he saw Adele was "prete a croquer sa petite maman Anglaise" I half ventured to hope that he would, even after his marriage, keep us together somewhere under the shelter of his protection, and not quite exiled from the sunshine of his presence.

Malgré que la Serbie eût reprouvé le crime et se fût montrée prête

He became really natural, really truthful in his fear. And she scarcely knew why Hermione was even more governed by him than by Artois. He had lived with them in the Casa del Prete, had been an intimate part of their life there. And he was Sicilian of the soil. The boy had a real power to move, to dominate her, which he did not then suspect.

"Je les connais bien, non sur des rapports etrangers, mais sur des correspondances et des informations secretes, que j'ai moi-meme menagees; et dont, un jour, si Dieu me prete vie, je pourrai faire usage a l'avantage de ma Patrie.

A soft chord, other chords, deep and sweet, and then the dear voice: Oui c'est un reve, Un reve doux d'amour, La nuit lui prete son mystere The chain is forged again. The mists of passion rise thickly, heavily, and blot out all else forever. Helene's song ceased. He heard them praise her, and heard "Good nights" and "Au revoirs" exchanged. He rose and stood near the door.

'Il prete' they say, with a significant look, 'e sempre prete. For the future let us have professors and men of science instead of priests." I smile to myself at this last, and reply, that I am a foreigner come among them for recreation, and anxious to keep clear of their internal discords.

A rustle followed, and an opening of desks; behind the lifted lids which momentarily screened the heads bent down to search for exercise-books, I heard tittering and whispers. "Eulalie, je suis prete a pamer de rire," observed one. "Comme il a rougi en parlant!" "Oui, c'est un veritable blanc-bec." "Tais-toi, Hortense il nous ecoute."

The Pope now gave orders for the carnival to begin, and there were daily banquets and festivities in the Vatican. El Prete has left a naive account of an evening's entertainment in Lucretia's palace, in which he gives us a vivid picture of the customs of the day. "The illustrious Madonna," so wrote the reporter, "appears in public but little, because she is busy preparing for her departure.

Lucrezia Gabbi came out onto the terrace of the Casa del Prete on Monte Amato, shaded her eyes with her brown hands, and gazed down across the ravine over the olive-trees and the vines to the mountain-side opposite, along which, among rocks and Barbary figs, wound a tiny track trodden by the few contadini whose stone cottages, some of them scarcely more than huts, were scattered here and there upon the surrounding heights that looked towards Etna and the sea.